
Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004

These are the trip today at 400 yds and 500 yds. I have one called left but they were finally all minute of elk. My BDC for the 375 was 5o yds off but the Leupold B&C was right on for the 338RUM. I'm ready :grin: [/img]
Looks good. Did you shoot for group or just drop?
I was just adjusting for drop and the 375 was about a foot right at 500 yds. I didn't notice it that much at 300. My table wasn't real steady and a breeze was starting to pick up pretty good. The hard part will be getting an elk to stand still for 15 minutes or so while I get my shooting bench set up. :roll:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Yup they sure do!
I put my stats on the inside of my Butler Creek flip up lense caps. I will note the settings and drop or heigth on the rifles at the ranges. With no wind blowing and a decent backpack rest I wouldn't feel at all bad taking the 500 yd. standing elk shot. In fact I believe 600 yds would be OK if my rest was steady enough. The 375RUM has plenty of retained enegy to do the job.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
I feel so inadequately armed. but I ain't carrying no shooting bench! I'll carry a chain saw and cut a tree to fit ya. :lol:
Great job! I'll be checking out 300 yards this week end I hope.
Could the scope on the 375 RUM be slightly canted to cause you to be so far off to the left at 500 yds? Could explain why the difference between 300 and 500 yds.

The BDC sure seems to work, fast and reliable.

You could be right. I hadn't thought of that. On the other hand I have been known to be pretty sloppy with my hold being level. I thought about getting one of those scope levels that stay on the scope but figured I'd probably just break it. I guess I should go back to 200 and 300 yards and see if I'm now shooting to the right. :?

You can run a simple test at 100 yds.

Mark a line straight up from your bulls eye. Make sure that the target is perfectly squared, as is the line. Confirm your zero and then crank up 7-8 MOA and re shoot. Your shot will be high but it should cut the line. If it is off, so is your scope.

I pulled out my 300 yd target. The last shot before I adjusted the BDC for 300 yd zero at the 300 yd setting was 4 inches to the right. I believe that either the vertical movement caused the horizontal to be off to the left for the first shot or I just blew the shot and happened onto the zero. I will still check it out. Or of course I could just wait untill an elk got 500 yds. out before I shot. :shock:
I shoot from a 9-13" swivel bipod with rear support, be sure and get the model with leg notches.
My rear support is a piece of closed cell foam 8x12" tapered from 1 to 4" thick, use it as a wedge under the buttstock. have taken deer a long ways with this type of setup.