Deer sightings were few and far between. They just disappeared around here for whatever reason. Wasn't seeing them in the fields in the evenings in the area and even when crops were cut in the beginning and during the rut, zero activity. Some guys think a batch of coyotes has them run out of the area, could be, don't know.
Anyways only 1 buck seen and it wasn't legal.
The second week I spotted a deer bedded in some high weeds along a cut corn field. Put a stalk on it with the wind in my face and it worked out. Shot was 45 yds with my old 141 in 35 Rem that I load with 180 Speers. Entered right where I wanted tight behind the shoulder, exited through the off shoulder. Took out the heart and lungs, it went 10 ft.
The last evening with just a few minutes left of legal shooting light left I got a chance at a big doe. The smart thing to do probably would've been to be using a scoped rifle overlooking a field, but I carried the 141 until I killed a deer and did the same with this and stuck to the plan. Remington 7600 in 30-06 with a Skinner peep on it. Loaded with 150 sierra pro hunter. Shot was around 80 yds and was the reverse of the 141 deer. Entered forward shoulder, exited behind the off shoulder, took out heart and lungs. She ran 80-100 yds until she crashed as heart shots sometimes do.
Still like the 35 Rem cartridge at woods ranges even in it's slowed down form at low pressure in a 141. Deer are individuals but so far there's been no exceptions with that cartridge. Deer don't make it far, and very little bloodshot.
Anyways only 1 buck seen and it wasn't legal.
The second week I spotted a deer bedded in some high weeds along a cut corn field. Put a stalk on it with the wind in my face and it worked out. Shot was 45 yds with my old 141 in 35 Rem that I load with 180 Speers. Entered right where I wanted tight behind the shoulder, exited through the off shoulder. Took out the heart and lungs, it went 10 ft.
The last evening with just a few minutes left of legal shooting light left I got a chance at a big doe. The smart thing to do probably would've been to be using a scoped rifle overlooking a field, but I carried the 141 until I killed a deer and did the same with this and stuck to the plan. Remington 7600 in 30-06 with a Skinner peep on it. Loaded with 150 sierra pro hunter. Shot was around 80 yds and was the reverse of the 141 deer. Entered forward shoulder, exited behind the off shoulder, took out heart and lungs. She ran 80-100 yds until she crashed as heart shots sometimes do.
Still like the 35 Rem cartridge at woods ranges even in it's slowed down form at low pressure in a 141. Deer are individuals but so far there's been no exceptions with that cartridge. Deer don't make it far, and very little bloodshot.