Got a chance to fire off some of the 44 Mag ammo I loaded recently.
240 Grain Nosler JHP with IMR 4227 powder.
Loaded on a Lee Classic Turret press and powder thrown with the Lee Auto Disk measure.
Mixed cases.
I shot these out of a Thompson Contender 14" barrel at 50 yards.
The sun wasn't cooperating with the sight picture but all in all, with my level of experience, I am satisfied with the results.

240 Grain Nosler JHP with IMR 4227 powder.
Loaded on a Lee Classic Turret press and powder thrown with the Lee Auto Disk measure.
Mixed cases.
I shot these out of a Thompson Contender 14" barrel at 50 yards.
The sun wasn't cooperating with the sight picture but all in all, with my level of experience, I am satisfied with the results.