44 Rem Mag Factory crimp die


Dec 24, 2006
Well, I just wanted to report, I finally used the Lee Factory Crimp Die and I have to say, it is the heat. It makes a very nice roll crimp, plus it sizes the case on exit, just make sure it will fit in the chamber of the Blackhawk without issues. I am very happy with the die and it was worth the 20.00 I paid for it. Now I need to get out and test out the 240gr Nosler JHP's I loaded. I have them loaded them up to 23.5gr of H110 for my hunting load I hope! Very economical bullet and should work well on deer/bear and lions if given the chance! Scotty
I have been using them for years. Especially in my tubular mag lever actions.

I love my Factory Crimp Dies. I wouldn't be without them for my 356 Win.
Same here Mike. I have one for the 44 and one for the 45-70! I am thinking about getting one for the 358 also. Either way, they make the crimping part of the big rounds a science! Scotty

Post some pictures of the Lee roll crimp.

Will do, I am in the process of loading some 250gr Beartooth WFN's today for the the 44, so once I have some built, I will snap some pictures.

Another great thing about the Lee die is it resizes the case if the crimp is to heavy. Meaning, if you get just a slight bulge, it will smooth it out, and allow it to chamber. It is a nice feature. Scotty
Here are a few pictures. I loaded some 300gr Sierra JSP's for my buddies Redhawk and some Beartooth WFN 250's for my Blackhawk. Let me know if you want a different picture. Scotty




I just may have to go get Lee Crimp die!

They are 10.00 I think, well worth the money for what they do I believe. Scotty