6.5-300 wby 150 gn nosler ablr, anybody have loads for that?

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I just got a box of 6.5cal. 150 gn bullets that I'm trying to build elk loads with. I can't find any load data for them for my 6.5-300 wby. Help!!
Maybe a grain or two under Eldm 147 starting charges ….?? You have access to a chronograph also?
I just got a box of 6.5cal. 150 gn bullets that I'm trying to build elk loads with. I can't find any load data for them for my 6.5-300 wby. Help!!
These are the powders I would start loading .
With a hot magnum primer, 215s or 250s
My 26” barrel is running near identical velocities to Fotis… 3350 fps with 147 Eldm. I m using 89 grains of US 869. I started around 85-86 if memory serves me right.

Good luck