6.5/300 WSM

glane5910":22yz460q said:
Here are some loads I received from Ramshot
Caliber: 6.5mm -WSM Wildcat.

Barrel length: 24”

Powder: Ramshot – MAGNUM®.

Bullet weight: 100 grains.

Start load: 66.0grains (3100 – 3200 Ft/p/sec)

Maximum load: 72.5 grains (3450 – 3550 Ft/p/sec).

Bullet weight: 120 grains.

Start load: 63.0 grains (2950 – 3050 Ft/p/sec)

Maximum load: 68.5grains (3250 – 3350 Ft/p/sec)

Bullet weight: 130 grains.

Start load: 59.0 grains (2800 – 2900 Ft/p/sec)

Maximum load: 67.0 grains (3100 – 3200 Ft/p/sec)

Bullet weight: 140 grains.

Start load: 59.0 grains (2700 – 2800 Ft/p/sec)

Maximum load: 65.0 grains (3000 – 3100 Ft/p/sec)

Bullet weight: 160 grains.

Start load: 57.0 grains (2600 -2700 Ft/p/sec)

Maximum load: 63.0 grains (2850 – 2950 Ft/p/sec)

Never thought of trying Ramshot Magnum. Those are very good speeds and they are using a 24" barrel. So far Retumbo is the king for speed and accuracy in my 264WM. Scotty
Well, went out and test fired the 6.5 today. Just one round for function/chamber check. I didn't have any "good" bullets so I just loaded up a cheap 120gr Privi-Partisan HP that I bought in bulk to use as plinking rounds in my 6.5 Grendels. I can only load single shot until this next week when I get the follower and bottom metal. I "borrowed" my HS Precision varmint stock to hold it. The case came out smoothly, no marks and the case is maybe 0.001"-0.0015" larger in diameter than a new, unfired sized case. I set up the headspace pretty tight and it shows. the cases should have a good life. I'll try to get some rounds loaded up and out to the range next week once my Berger 130gr VLD's get here.. Results to follow. VERY pleased...
Can't wait to hear how it shoots for you. Sounds like an excellent build for sure! Scotty
I made up a dummy round after checking OAL to lands with the 130gr Berger VLD's. That's 0.130" longer than I can hold in the mag box. Guess all I can do is shoot and see but I'm guessing that's way too much of a jump for the ogive to the lands..
Glane, I would bet you find a 2nd node that shoots just as well as being jammed into the lands. Can't really hurt. Heck, if the Bergers won't shoot, give the PT's or AB's a try. Scotty
I sure hope so Scotty. I've always had good luck with BT and Barne's TTSX. I've got some 120gr TTSX I had from my Grendel I can also try.
I ended up putting in in a B&C M-40 style stock. It has the bedding block in it but I'm going to glass it in. There's still some "wiggle" room from the looks of it.
Loaded up some of the 130gr VLD's and 120gr TSX last night. Going to try and make it out to the range today.


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I went ahead and bedded the action over the weekend so never made it shooting. Hopefully by the end of the week. Gave me time to load up more ammo.

Nice looking rig. The load data you shared has some impressive speeds.
Looking forward to your range results.

Make us all drool by posting a picture of a loaded 6.5 WSM round. :grin:

Have your bib's ready? 130gr Berger VLD


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257 Ackley":278qs2qf said:
What is you OAL with the 130 VLD? How far are you seated off the lands?
My OAL is really pushing max at 2.830". Much more than that and the nose is bumping the front of mag well. This VLD is sitting WAY back off of the lands. So far, I'm afraid its just not going to have full potential and I'll have to use a TTSX or AB etc. It's 2.965" from ogive to lands on this VLD. I'll shoot a few and see what they do.
I bought some 140 VLD to use for punching paper and ringing gongs with mine. I plan on shooting these as a single shot round, so I am not concerned about fitting the magazine.

AB's and Scirocco's will be tested to see who wins in the hunting bullet category.
What OAL are you using with that 140? This rifle is pretty much going to be a hunting rig.