- Feb 13, 2016
- 2,669
- 2,512
A month ago, I had tried a few 3 round groups ( H4831SC ) with the Hot Cors 140's in Lapua brass in the new GAP 6.5 x 284, and it did not shoot well and was all over the map ( 1.5 inches at the most ) instead of being consistent. I noticed a little hesitant feeling on the start of the seating process with those flat base bullets and once it went in the necks and it was smooth as butter. The seat cup left a little ring on the ogive of the bullet and not does not look like it dented anything, but with the 7.5 RPM barrel, not sure it it affected it. So I switched to IMR 4831 and 7 rounds for a ladder at 100 yards, and will see if it its more consistent this time instead of being all over the place. I was enthusiastic to try the 147's ELD-M in that 6.5 x 284, since I have 3 boxes sitting on the shelf. Whipped up some 3 round groups with H4831SC last night in .4 grain increments from 48.8 grains to 50.5 grains. Waiting for the weather to warm a bit before heading to the range and shoot over a chrono. Hopefully see a nice group and my goal is 2875- 2900 fps ish, since its a slow powder but very stable. Surely there are faster powders, but I prefer accuracy over speed. Those 147's should be wicked on deer sized game if i stay off bones, I remembered using the 178 ELD-M in 308 on a 8 pointer on the last day of deer season, it was a good double lung with a nice exit of about an inch.

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