6.5x55 Swede loads


Dec 24, 2006
I know this guy that might have a 6.5x55 Swede he would like to load for. Anybody have any accuracy combo's out there they'd like to share. I have some ideas for this guy, but I was wondering what you all have.

I have some 125 PT, 120 BT's and probably some 130 AB's as well.. I think RL17, 19 and 22 all would look decent in the Swede as well..

I will try to talk to my friend and get a picture of his rifle.. :grin:
SJB358":2tlp5ptk said:
I know this guy that might have a 6.5x55 Swede he would like to load for. :grin:

Wonder who this could be! :wink:
RL-22/MRP for the 130's and 140's, and RL-19 for the 120's.

Or so I've heard. I have three rifles in this caliber, and a handgun. It is an easy cartridge to load for.
I've sent Dad an e-mail asking for his recommendation.

He used to compete on silhouettes with the 6.5 Sweede. He'll probably have something for the 140 class bullets. I remember shooting his rifle, iron sights at 475 meters. It was hard to miss...
pre6422hornet":3o0f3iqh said:
You crack me up Scotty.

Does this " buddy" also have a love of model 70s? Elk? Beer? etc...

Maybe? :lol:

Jeeze, you'd think any rifleman in his right mind would love all those things as well!
HOGWILD338-378":yw5xiqsu said:
yea he is probably so low on bullets he can't even work up a load! :lol:

And that is why he has SPS on speed dial on his phone. :grin:

pre6422hornet":yw5xiqsu said:
Does this " buddy" also have a love of model 70s?

If he's in his right mind, he does!
It isn't hard to find a great load for the 6.5x55, they typically are very easy to load for. From your list RL22 might be the best but they others should work well. My best loads in the past have used IMR 4350 and H 4831 sc, IMR 7828 ssc gave very good speed and accuracy with 140's in my old gun. For my Wife's 6.5x55 I'm going to try IMR 7828 ssc and H 4831 sc first and bet that we won't have to move past those two.
Great info. Thanks Gerry. I forgot you had one as well.

I'll pass this excellent info to my buddy. I'm sure he will appreciate it!
Dad's load:

6.5 x55 Swede Mauser
Winchester primer
XMR 4350 powder 44grs
Sierra match King 140 gr
OAL 3.15 inches

He did real well with it in competition.
I had to check my shoes....thought I might have stepped in something from that smell, but I see where it's coming from now after reading about this buddy of Scotty's....

52gr of 7828 @ Nosler #7 COAL with 130AB was 2 and one in mine. Gives you a starting point. 52.5 was slight extractor QL max for me buddy.
Great info fellas.

Guy, never heard of XMR 4350?

I'd imagine any of the 4350's should be decent though.
The XMR 4350 is from Accurate powders also known as AA4350.
For hunting loads I use the max loads listed for the 6.5x55 from Accurate's manual. These loads are under 46000 cup loads for the small ring Mauser actions.
From my sported M-96 Swede with the 29" barrel I get these results.

46 grs AA/XMR4350 Rem. case, Fed 210M primer, 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip, COAL 3.050 average 3000 fps and half MOA accuracy or better sometimes.

45 grs AA/XMR4350 Rem. case, Fed 210M primer, 140 Sierra or Hornady SP, COAL 3.050 average 2850 fps with same accuracy as above load.

The COAL of 3.050 is as long as I can load a round that will work reliably through the magazine of my rifle. These M-96 Swedes have a very long throat made to shoot the loooooooog 160 gr RN bullets.

My target load for my stock military Swede rifles comes from an older Sierra manual listed as the accuracy load.
37.8 grs IMR 4895, Rem. case, CCI BR 2 primer, 140 Sierra Match King, COAL 3.050 average 2600 fps and from the open sighted rifles from the bench rest I could keep 10 shots under 1 1/2" at 100 yards a few years ago when I was shooting what we called OLD MEN'S MILITARY MATCHES. We shot stock military rifles from a bench rest at 100 yards for score because many could not get into the sling and positions any more. We got so good with these old rifles that we had to have shoot offs to break the X count ties. We shot these shoot offs offhand standing at 100 yards. That separates the riflemen from the trigger squeezers.
1Shot - that's similar in "flavor" to the matches Dad used to shoot. Mostly older guys, shooting from prone, with their military rifles rested on blocks or sandbags. They shot silhouettes to roughly 500 yards. Dad said it was 475 meters, I thought it was 550 yards. I dunno, something like that. Had to knock the silhouette down to count.

All iron sights, and all factory rifles, though a guy could lighten up the trigger apparently.

The 6.5 "Sweede" with that 29" barrel was the rifle to beat... Hard for the other military rifles to match it for accuracy, and some of the others, with steel buttplates and full power military ammo, beat the heck out of the shooters.
