6,5X55 Swedish match loads


Dec 16, 2009
Need to work up a good load for 200 yd and possibly 300m match shooting in my new Gevar 96. (the long barreled one).

I have H380, H414, IMR 4320, 4350 and 4831 on hand. Open to any available bullets and brass, new calibre to me. I have plenty of sources of data, looking for what combinations people have had good success with in this round.
You need to find out what twist your barrel is. I believe many were 1-7 and will do well with the heavy bullets. The 140 CC or BT should work, but you may try the Sierra 160 SMP if you can find some. If not send me a PM and I will send you some.

My 6.5x55 likes IMR4350 and the 120 BT.
Wincheringen":hnawfj3j said:
You need to find out what twist your barrel is. I believe many were 1-7 and will do well with the heavy bullets. The 140 CC or BT should work, but you may try the Sierra 160 SMP if you can find some. If not send me a PM and I will send you some.

My 6.5x55 likes IMR4350 and the 120 BT.

That new 140 BT seems pretty accurate from my 264. Not saying it will be in the 6.5, but I would think it is a good one. Haven't tried the Custom Comp yet, saving it for tomorrow.
My 6.5 x55 has 1-8 twist and like H4350 with 100 gr Sierras, 120 BT.
H4831 should be good with 140 AB. My choice for 140 AB is N560 at 48.5 gr.( it is hot load be careful.) Primer Large Rifle Federal Match.

Barrel is 22.5 inch.
