6mm 70 gr Varmageddons?


Sep 26, 2004
I have been watching Shooters Pro Shop forever waiting for some 6mm 70 gr Varmageddon Tipped bullets to show up. In my desperation, I even have been looking online for (gasp) retail boxes and don't believe I have ever even seen any in stock anywhere. So what is the deal? Are they (or were any ever) being produced? Am I stuck with having to choose between the 70 gr Ballistic Tip and the slightly more accurate Speer 70 gr TNT? I think my Stevens 200 in .243 Win. prefers the flat base bullet. I can probably just order some TNT'S, but I sure would like to at least give the Varmageddons a try. What is the scoop?
Don't know about the Varmagedons but are you stuck on 70 grains? There are the 65 grn vmax and the 75 grn vmax that may work for you.
I am not stuck on 70 gr. bullets, but I prefer to buy/use Nosler if I can. The rifle in question LOVES the 70 gr TNT with it's flat base and I was hoping to meet or beat the Speer product with the Varmageddon with the plastic tip and hopefully lower price, especially if I can order some seconds from SPS.
I hear ya...but if they're not available then they're not available. Maybe somebody else can point you to some. ..