6mm 90gr E-tip strikes again....


Nov 28, 2007
I'm really starting to be impressed with the E-Tips....

I still need to do some tweaking for accuracy, but I took my second (or 3rd) coyote with the 6mm 90gr E-tip from my .243 today...

Nothing spectacular about the shot he was about 40-50 yards.

My buddy got permision on some property here in Central California about a month ago. We've been twice. The first time we called in 2 coyotes and a bobcat. Today, on the first stand (my buddy is new to coyote hunting) so I told him "This could happen fast, be ready." After about 15 seconds on the call, a coyote came carging over a ridge in front of me, about 75-100 yards out. I really wanted my buddy to get the shot, but he was just at the wrong angle. The coyote dissapeared in a little gully and I kissed at him a little. At about 50 yards he popped out facing me and I took the head shot. At the shot the coyote started flipping all over, yipping and yapping. I shot again and put him down.

The first bullet hit him square in the mouth, breaking his front teeth, continued through his mouth, breaking all the bottom teeth on his left lower jaw and the bullet exited near the base of the ear, leaving a 2-3 inch exit wound. The way he was flipping around, it seemed that some bone fragments may have gone into the brain, but he required a second shot, right behind the shoulder. He didn't move after that shot.