7 rem mag question and suggestion? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED


Mar 10, 2006
howdy y'all.....
So my friend wants me to make a custom load for his rifle. He's concerned that his 6" groups with factory rem corelocts won't cut the mustard on his premium deer hunt in october.
It's a winchester M70 7mm rem mag, 24" tube, pushfeed, blind box, el-cheapo wal mart combo gun :lol:
The stock contacts the barrel all around the edges, should I remedy that? or should I try to shoot it myself? I think that custom loading for this rifle would be a waste of time until that stock is addressed.
I'll play with the trigger as well.
the scope, it's a cheap simmons....... I'll try it, but I won't like it :cry:
I'm going to use 160 AB's, any suggestions for loads?
I have IMR4350 and H4831, but he'd be willing to buy a pound of something else if it would work better....
any thoughts? suggestions? I don't want to spend too much time on this, a 1.5" group with me pulling the trigger would be satisfactory.
Couple other powders are IMR-7828 and RL-22. Fix the stock first and try to get your friend to upgrade his scope. A premium deer hunt with a questionable scope is diaster waiting to happen.Rick.
Yeah, a Simmons scope might be half his problem with grouping. I have a M70 XTR with the old style synthetic stock on it, push feed and all. Even with an old 4X Redfield it would shoot under an inch with ammo it liked. As far as powders, I would go with RL22 and a good 160gr bullet. Should be able to get 3000 out of the load and good accuracy. With a little help on the stock and trigger, you will have a great rifle, but I think the scope may cause half the issues with it. Scotty
I agree with the scope issue. My father has a similar rifle he bought in 1972 which is a pushfeed model 70. He used H4831 and 160 grain Partition. H4831 is a great powder in the 7 Mag.
First thing to do is,float the barrel,bed the action,lighten up the trigger to 2.5-3lbs. and get rid of the Simmons scope.You might try one of those new Redfields.They are made by Leupold now and seem to be a decent scope at a good price too_Once you've done all of that,you've got something to work with and you can start working up a good load for it.The IMR-4350 will work for those 160's.I've gone as high as 65.0grs in mine,but that's really too hot.Around 62.0-63.0grs would be around the max. I'd load in it with IMR-4350.Just remember,start low and work your way up,every rifle is different.I think it's worth doing the improvements,when you figure in the time,ammo and flustration of poor equipment,not to mention the cost of the hunt,your way ahead getting it done and should have a fine shooting rifle that you can be confident in when you make the shot.
Are you sure the 6" groups are the rifle? Maybe some of it is the shooter.
I would test fire the rifle just to make sure.
Sounds like you need to free float the barrel, lighten up the trigger to 2.5 lbs and get a decent scope. The Leupold VX-2 series of scopes are very good for the money.
RL 22 is a great powder in the 7mm RM with the 160 gr AB.
Let us know how your project turns out.

Pretty much as others suggested. But shoot it as is to get a baseline for yourself. Then if you have a good scope you can temp use on it that will remove the scope from the list. Then do the stock/trigger work.
My 7mmRem mag shoots RL 19 or 22 very well and IMR4350. Excellent accuracy and max speed. I shoot 140gr PAR as do a number of friends for everything from pronghorns/deer(large and small) and elk. Never had a problem or lost game. Did loose some (mostly small but acouple large mules) deer when using 160-175gr bullets. None lost since going to 140PAR bullets many years ago.
Might want to consider the 140gr PAR or if they make an 140 AB.

My 2 Cents
well, it looks as if we are all in agreeance. 8)
I have a vx2 I'll let him borrow for a few months :wink:
You are a helluva friend!! I would bet that is probably 2-4" of the problem rifle! Most rifles will shoot into 2" without too much trouble. 6" groups indicates something is really out of whack with the rifle or operator! Scotty
Here"s my 02. I have one 7mm and have had two others. First thing is to float the barrel. I have loaded (and still do) H-4350 with 60 or 61 grains behing the Partition for many years. Good accurate load. I agree with all of the above about the Simmons, but give it a chance before trashing it. So float the barrel, try some moderate loads, then trash the scope if it doesn't shoot. Might work might not. You are only out a little time.
Nobody's mentioned it, but I've had resonably good results using H1000 and Accurate MagPro under 160gr bullets (under 1.5" at 100yds with a cheap scope and synthetic stock on a Rem700 in 7mmRemMag). I've had great results with H4350, as well, but that was with 175gr Spitzers.

I'd clean the barrel very thoroughly, then shoot otherwise unchanged, to establish a baseline. Then work through things in this order:

1. Check the crown
2. Scope
3. Stock float (I'd be surprised if the tupperware stock would bed worth a crap, just because it's got so much petroleum in it.)
4. Trigger (~3-3.5lbs is great for me)

If this doesn't fix it, nothing will.
ON the cheapy plastic stocks bedding is hard but filling in all the hollow parts with accra glass, at lesast helps it retain some shape and helps balance the rifle. We did this on my BIL's vangaurd, feels like a different rifle. 6" @ 100 must involve some in expeirence. no rifle factory or not should be out that much.
I have the exact same rifle. I had terrrible luck with the factory Rem. CL ammo. I decided to try handloading. After lots of trial and error, I found a load that works. My load is 61.0gr of H4831 with 150gr BT seated to mag length. The only thing that I did was a trigger job and a better scope. It shoots 3/4 in groups. Try a few loads and see what the rifle will do, it may save you time and money.
What Dubyam said, plus, I would glassbed a land about 0.030 high across the forend tip of this stock, under the barrel. This should free float the barrel in the stock and stabilize it. I have done this with several Model 70's (maybe a dozen?), old and new versions, and every one of them settled down and shot groups of 1-1/2 inches or better. The trigger of course, is the same design and is adjustable no matter which Model 70 you are working with

For a load with the 160 grain bullets, I would recommend the Partition (or AccuBond 160) with either 60 grains of IMR 4350 or 66 grains of IMR 7828SSC and magnum primers of course for both loads. The 7828 especially is a little harder to ignite. I get better velocity from 60 grains of IMR 4350.
the trigger is down to 3lbs
the barrel is floated
I put my bore sighter in the end of the barrel and played with the scope... it actually tracks very well. straight and uniform adjustments.
i beat on the bases, rings, scope and gun every angle I could and I could not change the POI reading on the bore sighter.... so other than poor clarity glass, I think this scope is fairly good at holding a zero.

the bullets and brass arrived today, when I get home I'll seat them .015 off the lands on top of 60grs of IMR4350. And If I can get my a$$ out of bed before its 100 degrees out side I'll go shoot it in the morning!!! And if it zips faster than 2900fps and tighter than 1.5moa then I'll load the rest and deliver the package to him!!
Sounds like a good project. I would be surprised if it doesn't shoot better than that with your loads. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of some targets from the rifle. Scotty

Sounds like a plan! I would still try to encourage your friend to get a VX-2 scope. He will be glad he has better optics come "Show Time".

I've been trying to talk him into a Vortex. I'm sure he'll appreciate the rifle after he sees what it is capable of and adorn it with the proper optic.
chet":32zrz48s said:
I've been trying to talk him into a Vortex. I'm sure he'll appreciate the rifle after he sees what it is capable of and adorn it with the proper optic.

Right on!
