700 scope mounts question


Dec 20, 2008
So I decided to put my new ultra mag together today but the rings I bought are just too low I had the leupold low extendeds so I know I can use the mediums but I think I want to use the talley one piece.

If I opt for the talleys will I need the extended? Will I need mediums or lows? I am using a monarch ucc 4-12 AO hopefully I can get away with the non extended as bass pro carries them otherwise another week of waiting
You have to position the scope for the right eye releif for you and that will dictate if you need extended rings or bases.

I mount scopes further forward than most do be cause I have wide shoulders. Now with that said I have a long action 700 with a VXII 2-7 using a extended base on the front turned to the rear to get it where I need it. On a 336D I needed the front ring to be just past the receiver for VXII 1-4 which leupolds STD one peace base did I could not use Talleys on it. and leupold have more eye releif than most other scope do.

Being unfamilar with that scope I would think you will need a extended base or reverse ring in order to get the scope back far enough for the needed eye releaf at maxpower. But if its a real long scope you might be fine. and use the lowest rings that give you the bell clearance required my guess is leupolds medium rings will be listed for that scope but check their catalog or web sight for that information.
rick smith":34otc4u3 said:
Give Talley a call, super nice folks that know what they are talking about.Rick.

Call Garry at Talley Tell him Fotis Papadopoulos sent you.

803 845 5700

I have him on speed dial!
