Had a buddies 270 WSM Nesika Bay with a heavy 26" stainless barrel (can't remember what make now), 8.5-25X Leupy LR, with a tactical McMillan on loan to me. The Nosler 140 BT does 1.5" @ 300 yds. out of the rig. Went out with Mom (she likes to hike around the prairie) couple weeks ago to do some glassing from a couple big basins out east on the prairie east of Pueblo, CO here. The 1st spot we went to i glassed the basin well, but nothing was moving, so i howled couple of times, and an old mangy dog stood up about 500 yds. off below and left of me. She cautiously started to flank my postition probably trying to get a better look-see/smell, but got too close to a band of antelope, and they put chase to her-- directly away from me (actually this was good tho, since this rig was built as a long-range coyote/varmint/big game sniper, and i was out to investigate it's potential in this regard). I went prone off the bipod, and started lasering her with my Leica 1200 Scan-- but trying to give mom directions to the dog, laser it, and dial MOA clicks into the scope all at the same time was a chore, i tell ya'. Every time i'd laser the dog she was another 50 or so yds. farther out. Finally she stopped, and truned to face me @ a lasered 775. I ran in the Exbal-calculated (www.perry-systems.com) 14.5 MOAinto the turret, acquired the dog in the scope, and fired. U can imagine my amazement when, after recoil, i reacquired the coyote, just as it fell over dead. The bullet hit it square in the chest, and exited out the left ham. Bullet had 1810 fps remaining velocity, and 1017 ft. lbs. energy when started @ 3025 fps. Pretty good-- looks like the .456 BC was enuf to perform it's mission, and it did just that quite admirably. Can't wait until the next 1.