95gr 6MM Partition


Nov 14, 2005
I load for a friend of mine. His loads are 95gr Partition out of a .243.

He shot a deer with it and recovered the bullet. The bullet weighed 50.2gr and the front part was gone except for one pedal of copper. The rear half was totally intact.

He wanted me to tell Nolser thanx for an awesome bullet, and to ask for a free hat and if this is a good % of weight retention.

Thanx Joe
good shootin' :grin: I also use a .243 with 95 grain partitions with excellent results on whitetails. don't hold your breath on the hat. I usually find the bullet on the far hide. keep the freezer full.
jezzolo, great job of re-loading all the 243 partitions are great , i load 85''s my self 4 a pre abolt browning BBR. your friend should be commended for his shot at a new hat, i''m laughing out loud, that really hit my funny bone regards jjmp