A Brace of Newer Cannons at the Range

And a shipment of bullets arrived for the Brenneke, today. Three hundred grain A-Frames, 286 grain A-Frames, 285 grain Oryx--oh, my, now to get to work. I'm preparing brass tonight.
Scotty, I also secured a supply of 280 grain A-Frames for the 35 Whelen. I need to find time to load them as well.
Yeah, if I can fit in time. I seem to have a few things vying for my limited time at the moment; and I'm chomping at the bit to tag an elk.
DrMike, that Brenneke, Model 70 is a real winner as a practical, moose and elk, or whatever, rifle. I sincerely hope that it works out this season for you. I really like the way the project turned out!

I think it will work--perhaps even for prairie dogs! :shock: Seriously, it should be a fine rifle to smack the larger game here in BC.
DrMike":221s9sy3 said:

I think it will work--perhaps even for prairie dogs! :shock: Seriously, it should be a fine rifle to smack the larger game here in BC.

I bet your 9.3x64 become one of your favorite guns to carry for big stuff.
gerry":3t0un04c said:
DrMike":3t0un04c said:

I think it will work--perhaps even for prairie dogs! :shock: Seriously, it should be a fine rifle to smack the larger game here in BC.

I bet your 9.3x64 become one of your favorite guns to carry for big stuff.

I wouldn't bet against you!
I had to move it to the back of the line as I have a 300WSM and a 7STW to work up this week. It is shooting the factory stuff well enough that if I get a chance to take an elk, I can do so. In the interim, I am planning on working up the 300 grain A-Frames and doing some more work with the 286 grain Partitions.