A clean barrel


Oct 21, 2010
Since I don't have a bore scope, I can only peer down the barrel with a bore light. Although I look at the muzzle and crown
with a magnifing glass and light. What I observe is no copper but some discoloration, which appears to me as carbon, but very little. What should it look like?
More details would help,,,,old or new rifle? coloration on the lands or in the groove or both? etc.

Run a damp patch thru it, (just a little water) it it comes our blue what you see is probably copper. If so I would start cleaning with some JB Bore cleaner, run 20 or so patches through it or until the blue does not show any more. If the patch comes out red then use some Krohls or other rust remover with the same amount of effort then follow up with the JB. After everything looks good, clean it with a good solvent, dry patches etc. Should work, perhaps someone else will have an idea. :grin:
It's not copper.... I think it's just the metal discoloration from firing. I used seafoam and it got some of the dark spots from it, but I guess I'll have to have to bore scope it.
My .02- If you want to know what it looks like CLEAN get yourself some "Wipe Out" and follow the directions on the can until a patch comes out snow white. Wipe out is good stuff but even then some rifles take some work. I know of one severly carboned up seven Mag that took 7-8 overnight applications. She was bad. CL
Had a guy on another site mention JB.... he said his bore scope showed a clean barrel after using JB. I saw the lands stand up a little more after using JB and Kroil. Man.. those hawkeye bore scopes are X -pen -sive!! :oops:
Just weighing in on this. Will Wipeout remove carbon? I have left one of my rifles overnight with Wipeout, and patched it out the next day and there was alot of blackish gunk on the patch. Should I reapply Wipeout and keep doing this until gone?
boomer68":30kz80x7 said:
Just weighing in on this. Will Wipeout remove carbon? I have left one of my rifles overnight with Wipeout, and patched it out the next day and there was alot of blackish gunk on the patch. Should I reapply Wipeout and keep doing this until gone?

Get Barnes CR-10 or sweets 7.62 and keep scrubbing until the patches come out clean.
Seafoam and FP-10 is knockin' the powder fouling down to the bare metal...!! Trying it out on a old military barrel, I shot a ways back... and didn't clean it all summer. I'm pretty amazed.
How comparable is seafoam to the other foaming cleaners like Gunslick, Hoppes and Wipeout? Is it Milfoam?
Actually it's not a foam.... It's motor treatment. It does alot of different things. What caught my eye was it cleans carbon....
Well,,,if the patches with whatever solvent you try come out clean I wouldn't worry about. Being a used rifle and maybe not shot alot??? and the patch comes out clean, I suspect the coloration is actually bluing that leached past the muzzle plug. If that is the case, it will shoot out eventually and not affect accuracy.
