Ok, Sako 85 laminated varmint stainless fluted. At what inch/pounds should I tighten the action screws and should I add a drop of blue Locktite?? Thanks in advance.
I don't know what the Sako specs are, but I'd start with "just tight enough not to come loose" which is likely around 40-50in-lbs, depending on the stock material. I wouldn't go to the extreme of as tight as you can get them. I can get stock screws waaaaaaaaaaay too tight for any reasonable accuracy.
NEVER tighten them as tight as you can. This can induce stress in the action or barrel that can ruin accuracy. If it is a wood or syn stock WITHOUT pillar bedding tighten to 45 inchlbs. If it has pillar bedding tighten to 65 inchlbs.
I agree that too tight is bad, but they need to be tight enough to not loosen. This really surprised me, but when I picked up my sons Winchester Model 70 Extreme Weather SS in 300 WSM, I pulled the action out of the stock just to make sure I got everything clean and things looked okay in the stock area. I read the little manual with it and they only recommended 35 inch pounds for the stock screws! :shock: I know as it has the full aluminum bedding block and the stock is Bell & Carlson laid-up laminate. I was expecting it to be 65 inch pounds or close to that. Did not seem tight enough to me, but that was their suggestion in the little red book. :?:
Thanks again, you guys ROCK! This is the first place I come to for any kind of firearm info.
Ok, I made a few calls since I posted this thread, that's right, I called Sako Finland. Can't wait to see the bill on that call... Anyways, I spoke to a tech that spoke "FINGLISH" and he told me the standard for all Sako rifles except the TRG is 55 inch/pounds for both screws with no locktite. Just thought I'd share for the Sako owners out there. Thanks again guys!!