Always Be Cautious


Dec 26, 2007
I reached up to a shelf above my desk to retrieve my digital scale. In bringing it down to my desk it slipped out of my hand and fell about 10" as I quickly tried to grab it to lessen it's fall. It did not seem like a hard hit at all as I was able to buffer its impact, at least I assumed this. Well, got to dump my digital scale. I noticed last night when I calibrated it and then put my powder dish on the scale to zero it out so I could weigh powder, the numbers were less by 9/10 of a grain than they have been since using this digital scale.

So, I pulled out my Redding Model #1 mechanical scale, set it all up and adjusted the scale to zero. Then I set my scale to the needed grains and took one of the cases I had just loaded on the digital scale in question. I poured it out in my scale dish and made sure every piece of powder was out of the case and in the dish. It took 9/10 of a grain more powder using the mechanical scale to equal the needed grains for this load.

Now that really concerned me so I took some loads I put together the day before when the digital scale was working like it always has and pulled the bullet and then weighed it on the Model #1 Redding and it was 54grs on the nose. So, ditch one digital scale and back to my Model #1 mechanical scale for now. Sure liked the digital scale, I was able to load three times faster with it than with my mechanical scale. I have re-calibrated the scale a number of times to see if it would begin to work correctly, but no luck.

Since I was comparing Accurate 2495BR against H4895 in my 30-06 load using the 150gr HV, the AA2495BR would surely have looked anemic compared against the velocities of H4895. Had I used the digital scale not paying attention to the weight numbers of my dish when setting it to zero I would have wondered why such a difference in velocities. Of course this would have been even worse if the scale was 9/10 of a grain more considering the fact that I was working close to a max load after having worked up to this charge.

I have from time to time used my mechanical scale to double check my digital scale and it was always on the money, but since the numbers were different this time after calibrating it, I surely had to check it out. Glad I did! I don't have to tell you guys that one always needs to be cautious and disciplined when it comes to reloading, but only reminding those who are just now starting to reload. It is possible though, because of familiarity, that even and experienced reloader can over look something. It only takes one mistake for things to go bad. I always double and sometimes triple check my procedures when reloading. Anyway just a little experience I had reloading last night.

Will test the AA2495BR Monday or Tuesday of next week. :mrgreen:
I'm not sure if you are ready to replace the digital scale yet , or how good of a scale you're looking for . I've had the econo strain gauge digital scale problems , and didn't want to buy the better magnetic force type scale due to the price . so I went back to my 10-10 scale and I've been plenty happy , except for my eyes seeing the scale easily . recently there was a thread on another forum talking about the A&D fx120i at a very attractive price . here is the link . you watch it and make up your own mind . just remember the price is supposed to increase about 50% in about a month . Jim ... ;topicseen
jimbires":mrt8ngwh said:
I'm not sure if you are ready to replace the digital scale yet , or how good of a scale you're looking for . I've had the econo strain gauge digital scale problems , and didn't want to buy the better magnetic force type scale due to the price . so I went back to my 10-10 scale and I've been plenty happy , except for my eyes seeing the scale easily . recently there was a thread on another forum talking about the A&D fx120i at a very attractive price . here is the link . you watch it and make up your own mind . just remember the price is supposed to increase about 50% in about a month . Jim ... ;topicseen

Good stuff, but since I do not load in large volume, I have decided to just do what I did for years and stick with my mechanical scale. This is not the only problem I have had with digital scales and do not want to spend for the better magnetic type scale at all. I am sure you information you have shared will really help folks out in deciding about digital scales.
There should be a way to calibrate electronic scales - an adjustment screw somewhere.

Unless you have a set of precision calibration weights, it's worthwhile to collect 3 or more bullets that cover the range of weights that you routinely work with (i.e. 50gr, 70gr, 100gr + whatever), then weigh those bullets when the scales is new or working correctly, and record the weights to a tenth of a grain. Keep them in a baggy with the weights written on the bag. Then, you can check/verify the accuracy of the scales on down the road. BT
I have my loading manuals on a shelf above my bench. One day a heavy manual got away from me and landed right on the pan holder of my older pact scale. From then on any time I turned it on it just said error. Well after a little hillbilly thinking I thought I got nothing to lose and turned it upside down and banged it hard on the palm of my hand as if to make the innards shake back outward. You're gonna say I'm nuts but it worked. That was many years ago. That scale now sits next to my newer hornady dispensor and is far more reliable than the hornady. I double check ea charge coming off the hornady. If one scale starts to wander I check via a 70 grain test wt. 9 times out of 10 the hornady is the culprit.
I like to use the digital and then recheck with the mech. I figure its worth the time to do it twice.
russ808":1zmqp627 said:
I like to use the digital and then recheck with the mech. I figure its worth the time to do it twice.

I am with you on that when I get another digital if I do. :mrgreen:
Yes I use a Chargemaster & then my slide for every load :wink:. My hunting partners think I am a little crazy as it just a hunting load :shock:. I always remark that I never want a trophy or a animal lost because of my bullet loading!! To date I have never had a failure and I take great pride knowing that the charge in the bullet is exactly what it was intended to be.

sask boy":1bsl3nw1 said:
Yes I use a Chargemaster & then my slide for every load :wink:. My hunting partners think I am a little crazy as it just a hunting load :shock:. I always remark that I never want a trophy or a animal lost because of my bullet loading!! To date I have never had a failure and I take great pride knowing that the charge in the bullet is exactly what it was intended to be.


AMEN!! Dan I am with you on the load work buddy.
Being spastic, I never store anything at a height where it can possibly fall and hurt me! Generally, I keep everthing heavier than a pound of powder on chest high shelves. Since most powder in in round edged, plastic cans, it will never cause an arterial bleed even if it is stored over my head height. :mrgreen:
Well Oldtrader, I can be spastic at times myself. :mrgreen: