And I Quote: till I saw you through my scope:


Nov 21, 2004
Back from WY, got a small three point deer and my buddys all filled there doe antelope tags. Good trip all in all save one moment. Lots of hunters so we set up in some rocks to wait for the deer to get bumped to us, two four wheelers head up the hill and sure enough looping down hill my deer walks right to us. Tag filled 7:30 day 1. Just start to gut the deer and a older fellow walks up and says "Heard your shot I thought you might be my grandson till I looked at you through my scope." I stopped gutting and stood looking at him, he went on to tell me how we needed to get the deer cool and split the ribs. I just wanted him to go away :evil: Please tell me he is the last of his kind, I hope his grandson can afford to buy binoculars.
You aren't kidding about that! That is one scary practice I hope never happens to me or any of my family. Man, I could imagine you would have felt a little rage when he told you that. Scotty
Had that happen to me in Northwest Pennsylvania a number of years ago. I was sitting in full blaze orange watching a swamp when I noted another hunter walking towards me and angling to my left. He got within 25 yards, stopped and appeared to be looking at me at which time I waved to him. He looked again, raised his rifle and pointed it at me, looking through the scope to see who I was. Luckily I was sitting on the backside of a log. I threw my head down, screamed a couple of explitives at him and then sat up, noting that he was double-timing back the way he came from. It took my heart about 15 minutes to slow down. Scares the s--- out of you.
I was in a tree one time bow hunting and along came a squirrel hunter. I knew when I saw him what was going to happen. I was not in a stand, so all I could do was set still and hope he would go on by. As he got closer I knew he was staring at me trying to figure out what I was. Like a scared rabbit I sat there and took it as long as I could.And knowing what would happen I started waving my arms frantically. Even with all that,and being just a bit bigger than a squirrel, I still found myself looking down the barrel of a shotgun from about 10 yards. it seemed to take about 15 minutes for the scream to get from my brain to my throat, out my mouth and to his ears. He was still just as shook up as I was, but I still shutter thinking about it.
Jay":1fe1w4z0 said:
........... Please tell me he is the last of his kind,.....

I wish I could but I would be lying!
That should violate a mans conscience, but I guess it didn't dawn on him the possible tragedy that could have taken place. :roll: Glad you guys had fun on your hunt. :)
That's actually 'wreckless use of a firearm' and is a chargable offense!! Old Timer bad habit, things that people used to do in the old days, but doesn't make it right, safe, or SANE!!
Several years a go I noticed some jackass scoping me, so I opened the bolt, removed the round, and paid him back in-kind only I also gave him the one finger salute with my trigger hand.

I was in CA at that time -which by the way, it's illegal to use a scope in lieu of binoculars.