

Apr 4, 2010
Mentioned that a friend had made a comment regarding the need to anneal his cases after 4or 5 reloadings to mainatin neck tension, therefore consistent accuracy. I know that many of you shoot tiny groups at very long ranges, do you anneal?

I know that many of you here anneal, the question is? Is there any data showing that annealing the a case will improve or maintain accuracy. ???.

I have never annealed except when forming Whelen or 338/06 cases. I would really like to know if I am missing something.

Thanks Bill
Elkman":v8jzri5y said:
Mentioned that a friend had made a comment regarding the need to anneal his cases after 4or 5 reloadings to mainatin neck tension, therefore consistent accuracy. I know that many of you shoot tiny groups at very long ranges, do you anneal?

I know that many of you here anneal, the question is? Is there any data showing that annealing the a case will improve or maintain accuracy. ???.

I have never annealed except when forming Whelen or 338/06 cases. I would really like to know if I am missing something.

Thanks Bill

This how I got started annealing cases and my results. A few years back I had worked up an accurate load and shot it a few times to make sure it was not a fluke. Things were going well until 1 day then the group when all out of wack. I was using the same lot# of bullets, powder, primers, COL was the same but my groups were like I mentioned in the 8mm post. I was stumped and when I get stumped Rick S. is one of the guys I call. After some conversation he asked about annealing the cases. I had never annealed cases so my answer was no I had not. He suggested I do so and try them again. He explained the process and told me about a method that is easy and works. I did as Rick had suggested and loaded up the cases and off to the range I went. Sure enough the groups were just as tight and accurate as they were before and remained so until the next 4-5 firings.

I have done this ever since with several other calibers and it works. That is all the data I ever needed. If you do a search you can find data showing what annealing cases can do.

I do anneal . I tried a few different ways with some of these ruining my brass from getting to hot . about a year ago I bought an annealer . I can't really say if it helps my groups or not . I can say that while seating bullets it always feels the same now . before as the brass was loaded and fired over and over I could feel seating resistance increasing , so it did help that . Jim
I am with OU812....

I have become a believer and a practicioner of this PFM. Too sum up, on my target rifle, I was bequethed a barrel and fireformed brass chambered in a modified 6.5/06 Imp.. The brass is Lapua and had been fired 3x, I was given 600 rds of brass and since the brass had been used hard in comp and it was figured I would get a real good handle on the particular loading with at least one firing out the brass. Well I cycled thru that brass pretty quick this summer, getting it all thru two & more firings and neck tension was all over the place, I was ready to toss the brass. I did not want start all over with new lapua brass so I thought I would give annealing a shot and finish out hte season with this barrel. I then planned to go to another barrel in 6BR. Well it has breathed new life into this brass and my loads have become far more consistant (ES/SD) and my shooting improved. The most noticeable attribute is the overall very consistent neck tension, it all feels the same. Now I am saving at least 90% of the original brass, the loss is due to loose primer pockets. I now only culling brass by primer pockets. I was tossing becuase of neck tension issues. My neck tension issues have all but disapeered..

I am sold on annealing.

annealing also makes the shoulder bump more consistent . it's so easy to anneal with a machine that I anneal every other time .
if anyone is interested , about a month or so ago the " ballistic edge " guy ( Jerry I think ) had one for sale on the accurate shooter forum at a discounted price . it had a scratched or discolored top and he said he couldn't sell it as new because of this . could be worth a phone call if your looking for one . I bought mine from him as a discontinued model , he down sized the newer model . Jim