Mentioned that a friend had made a comment regarding the need to anneal his cases after 4or 5 reloadings to mainatin neck tension, therefore consistent accuracy. I know that many of you shoot tiny groups at very long ranges, do you anneal?
I know that many of you here anneal, the question is? Is there any data showing that annealing the a case will improve or maintain accuracy. ???.
I have never annealed except when forming Whelen or 338/06 cases. I would really like to know if I am missing something.
Thanks Bill
Mentioned that a friend had made a comment regarding the need to anneal his cases after 4or 5 reloadings to mainatin neck tension, therefore consistent accuracy. I know that many of you shoot tiny groups at very long ranges, do you anneal?
I know that many of you here anneal, the question is? Is there any data showing that annealing the a case will improve or maintain accuracy. ???.
I have never annealed except when forming Whelen or 338/06 cases. I would really like to know if I am missing something.
Thanks Bill