Another Awesome Hunt comes to a close


Nov 23, 2013
Having returned from my trip to Upper Canyon Outfitters in Alder Montana I have time to reflect on an awesome trip. The trophy will not hang on the wall, but reside in my mind, all the wonderful people that I met, comraderie, the scenery, hospitality provided by Donna and Jake McDonald and their staff. It was a two week hunt for elk and deer the second and third weeks of the rifle season.

The public (National Forest Service) areas we hunted the first few days had apparently been worked over pretty well by hunters the first week of the season so we changed tactics on day 5 of the first week, going to a higher and more remote area. My guide, Paulie and I and another hunter and his guide were dropped off near the top of a mountain and decided to take opposite sides of a mountain to see if we could scare up an elk, possibly pushing elk to either party if we jumped them.

Paulie and I had walked about 1 mile from the drop off point when two cow elk burst from nearby timber and stopped. From a kneeling position I fired one shot at the closer cow and missed high. Paulie saw the dirt fly and confirmed a clean miss. The elk took off running and Paulie whistled and they stopped on a high spot about 300 yards out. Again from the kneeling position I got on the lead cow, which was bigger than the first one that I shot at, and fired just as they started to turn to run.
Paulie asked me to stay at the spot where I shot from, so I did while he went to the spot where the elk had stood. He walked back and forth over the area and after a few minutes he waved his arms signalling for me to come over to his location. Not seeing a dead elk, I said to Paulie, I think I had better go down to the bottom of the ridge and walk along the timber line to see if I can spot any blood or the elk. He said you can if you want, but she is laying right over here..
The cow had run approximately 100 yds and dropped from a 180 Nosler Partition from my 30-06 through the lungs. The point of impact was below the mid line and angled forward to the off side shoulder. A fragment of bullet jacket was recovered from the hole in the off side rib, but the remainder of the bullet was not found. Judging from the Montana Fish Game and Parks website aging the elk ivories she appears to be 7+ years old. Paulie and I had the elk quartered and ready for the packers when they arrived to assist.

On Friday I had the pleasure of meeting Heath Gunns, Outreach Manager for Honored American Veterans Afield, HAVA. It was then that I learned that a party of three, a Fine Gentleman, Veteran and father of two sons would be arriving at Upper Canyon Outfitters for a week of elk and deer hunting. While we did not hunt together, sharing the breakfast and dinner time together was a real pleasure. HAVA sponsored the hunt for this father son(s) and Upper Canyon Outfitters made the trip a huge success.

My deer tag went unfilled due to human error. Not being able to see the buck on a rock rubble and cedar north facing slope, trying to shoot a buck with shells in the magazine, but none in the chamber.. duh... Maybe it is old age setting in, or maybe it was God's will. In either case I am blessed beyond what I deserve.

Next I will go to the range to confirm my '06 is shooting where I point it before trying to fill a NY deer tag this weekend with NYDan who will be hosting me.
Good account, Rol. Glad you tagged your elk. She will provide excellent table fare, without a doubt. Congratulations. Sorry about the absence of deer, but that is hunting. And, yes, as we age, negative things seem to happen with greater frequency. That is the reason I've taken to hunting by Braille!
Congrats on the elk, sorry to hear about the deer. Yes we do get old and forget things sometimes, like when I drove 3 hours to my deer lease and right before I got to the blind pulled out my 7 Mag out of the case and I realized that I forgot the bolt at home.
That is why I always have more than my primary rifle with me.. always have a spare. My wife and were in Colorado second season Elk, when we were headed out early on the 4th morning my 444 Marlin had the Lever rev magazine alignment problem and would not chamber the first round.. I had the Weatherby 270 win for a backup and went on our merry way.. Would have sucked if I hadn't brought it
Take care,
Here is a photo of Rol_P with his elk and guide. Congratulations Roland. I am looking forward to hunting with you Saturday. Dan

Elk at 300 yards, from kneeling, I'd say that's a pretty doggone successful hunt!


Another .30-06 success story. Cool.

From what I've read the science regarding harvesting cow elk is pretty well proven. Surprised more hunters don't take advantage. They eat well too.
Congratulations on a great hunt.
Rock piles, juniper and deer have likely resulted in more conversations that went something like " he's right there" than " nice shot". Been there, done that.
Good luck on your next hunt.

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Thanks to NYDan for posting the picture, and for your comments fellas. My Guide's motto is "Do not pass up the shot you have today if it is one you would take the last day of your hunt.." It proved very appropriate this year.
congratulations on the hunt out west and good luck to you and dan this weekend hopefully you guys get to enjoy saturday and tag out around dark before the weather turns snotty