Anybody know anything about Cabela's Alpha series scopes?



I have a friend who is looking to replace the scope that came on a package gun. I'm sure it was a Simmons/Tasco in 3-9x40 and it lunched on him during the first range trip. He has a limited budget, and I've been trying to keep an eye out for a decent scope for the money, for cheap. I know - that's an oxymoron. But, I'm trying to help him get back to shooting without breaking the bank. So, I ran across this little item that seems like it would be perfect for a hunting rifle in 308Win, in terms of size and power: ... t104535180

What I'm wondering is if anyone has any experience with these. Obviously I wish he could afford to move into the $200-400 range, as that opens up a number of great scopes for the dollar. But his budget is minimalist, so I'm trying to help him not waste another $100 on a scope that's going to go away quickly. Any thoughts? Or any suggestions for a cheap scope that is serviceable on a 308Win in that price range?
What about a used scope off of the Sample List? Sometimes they have some good deals on the VX series and since the warranty is pretty decent, he doesn't have to worry about them not holding up and being skunked with an unservicable scope. I wished I were home, I have a VXI on the wifes 308 that is a good enough scope, but I would like to upgrade it to a Minox for her.. I would sell that 2x7 in his price range!
Scotty, if you're serious, I'll tell him to sit tight. Maybe I can loan him a scope off my bench in the meantime. I don't know how it happened, but I've found I have an extra scope. I actually have two, but I also have a rifle that is waiting for one of them, if I can ever get around to it. (I hate how work gets in the way of important stuff...) But I have a spare right now, so maybe I'll loan it out and he can wait until you return. What is your ETA stateside?

In the meantime, I'm suddenly having urges to find a rifle to sit under my extra's a disease!
Yes, Doc, it is. I'm resisting (knowing that right now I'm saving up for hunting lease dues) but it's tough. If I tripped over some cash I'd be in trouble in short order...

And for the record, I don't need one of your "prescriptions" or Scotty's home remedies for this disease. I know too well how quickly that would separate me from my money and take up more of my safe space! ;)
Moi? You would accuse moi of attempting to stimulate the economy through redistribution of your wealth? How gauche! What rifle you thinking of? :grin:
I'm trying very hard not to think of any rifles, Doc...
dubyam":3fgmfadh said:
I'm trying very hard not to think of any rifles, Doc...

Man, I thought you were looking for a 7WSM or something Dub? The only way this economy will get better is if YOU stimulate it! HA!

For the record, I "tried" to not think of rifles, and now I end up with two that won't leave my brain? It was the hardest 10 minutes of my life!
The 7WSM is no temptation for me. What I want (I am very particular about some rifles, this being one) is a true custom job. I'm thinking Howa action, 26-28" heavy contour barrel deeply fluted, action lightened and bolt fluted and skeletonized where possible, all sitting in a B&C Medalist Varmint stock, wearing either a Minox ZA5, Zeiss Conquest, or Bushnell Elite 6500. I'm aiming for 10lbs or under, ready to shoot. It should be close...but it will also likely be $1.5-2k, so it's no threat to my gun funds right now. No, what's working on me right now are three things:

1. Heavy barreled 243Win of some sort
2. 7mmRemMag in Win70CRF or some such
3. CZ550 Lux in 9.3x62

The first two are because I have dies, brass, and components, and could be set up so much cheaper. Plus, I have tons of use for either one. That last one is a dream of mine for about a decade or so, and I've missed on it three times up to now, finding them when I didn't have the money. Of course, I recently found one in a local shop here in Huntsville in a fantastic stock, with only a couple of small dings in the wood and one minor scratch in the bluing. It's priced at $750, but that's well outside my spending range right now (which is basically the fluctuating amount of whatever I find in the laundry or the couch at any given time). I'm hoping I can hit a few big sales at work and move some dollars into my column before it disappears, but dies, brass, and bullets will add another $200 to that price. The good news is, it has stellar open sights and I'd resist the urge to scope it, keeping it open-sighted for 200yds and under. It would be fun, for sure. We'll see. I highly doubt that will come to pass, but maybe.

In the meantime, I'm trying hard to spend a buddy's money on a new scope for his 308. Please don't distract me with thoughts of rifles I've always wanted...

Man, those are all good rifles. I dig them 9.3's though. It is a 6.5mm of big bores. Their bullets have excellent BC and SD for their given sizes.. Yeah, you better take another look at that 9.3 Dub... I don't wanna hear the crying when it slips away! :twisted:
By all means, spend your buddy's money--he needs a good scope. (Hmmmmm. 9.3X62, you say. Boy, talk about a great all round rifle for North America. You know what they say, no safe is complete without one. Well, someone may have said it at some time or another.) :wink:
1. Heavy barreled 243Win of some sort
2. 7mmRemMag in Win70CRF or some such
3. CZ550 Lux in 9.3x62

You could go a 6-284 and a 280AI and a 9.3! That would be a great blast. At 10.5 pounds I think that's what mine weighs you could soot that AI all day and be on heels ot better than 7RM!
Yeah, NV, but I don't have dies or brass for the 6-284 or the 280AI. I have both for the 243Win and 7mmRemMag. With this economy, I'm trying to figure out ways to do things as inexpensively as possible! And right now, I'm just dreaming. All the spare change I find in the laundry and the couch is going toward hunting lease dues for now.