anyone got anything to say about the 700 VTR?


Dec 20, 2008
I have been wanting to get a coyte gun and been wanting to get a gun for hunting deer locally where the shots arent really long and the deer are on the move so you find hair and shoot so I was thinking about getting a 700 classic in 300 savage until I see the new vtr desert camo

I have always had a soft spot for digital camoand thought ok well its only available in 223 or 308 and thought ok 308 good crossover gun should be able to load osme light loads and get some distance out of them

but tell me more abou tthe vtr how is the break is it abnoxious is the whole thing a gimmick

I will say this it is one of the more balanced rifles I have held
I have the first year VTR in .223 As you stated and I agree, I really like the feel of it. Stock is fairly cheap etc etc.....I can say the bolt closes a little rough on mine, but short of getting a few rounds through it I've been satisfied. Obviously on the .223 the brake is a gimmic... ie.. excessive noise producer.

The .308 would be a great choice if you're hand-loading as you'd have a plithoria of options. With the weight of the VTR I doubt the recoild would be too bad.


You wouldn't get the digital camo pattern, but you might check the Remington law enforcement site and look into the LTR Rifle.....??
"deer are on the move so you find hair and shoot"

Maybe this is why there are so many wounded deer each year???

Maybe you need an AR-10 in 308 with a 30 rd clip if shooting deer on the move and just aiming for hair is your thing??
we do alot of deer drives so I dont need an excessivly fast load as I am a good shot but if the shot is not in the best spot I want to do some damage
For the type of hunting conditions you mentioned, I would not recommend the .223. A .308 with 125-150 gr BT would be a much better choice. A big wound channel is your friend on those "less then perfect" shots. Since alot of your deer in California are on the small side, you probably wouldn't need to go any bigger.
Well, there is always the R15 in 243, 7-08 or 308. Fast handling, fast follow up shots, supports multiple sight platforms, availible in camo and it's COOL!!!
:grin: :grin: :grin:

I am not sure if they're legal in CA, I am not allowed to use one for hunting here in Canada unless it's an AR 180B which isn't restricted.
AS far as that goes, the AR 180B rifles go for insane money in Canada. Like 1500Cad sight unseen. There are waiting lists at the shops that handle alot of AR's just for that rifle.
Sorry to go off about the AR 180B.
