Anyone loading Hawk 200gr .358 bullets?


May 16, 2016
I'm thinking of trying either the RT (Round Tip) or FP (Flat Point) in my Henry .360 Buckhammer. I've currently started working up a load with the 200gr Hornady RN, but I've read that the Hawk is a softer bullet. Just wondering if that might be a better option for the 2200-2400 fps deer loads I'm planning.

Anyone have any feedback? TIA.

Which ever bullet you choose, it would be wise to water jug test it for expansion. The Speer #11 manual shows data for the .357 diameter handgun bullets. They would expand but accuracy would be shakey I would imagine.
Which ever bullet you choose, it would be wise to water jug test it for expansion. The Speer #11 manual shows data for the .357 diameter handgun bullets. They would expand but accuracy would be shakey I would imagine.
These are .358 bullets, which is the nominal diameter for .35 cal rifle. Why would accuracy be shaky?