AR is DONE!!


Jan 17, 2011
I traded with my buddy; a 6.5-284 Norma for an AR that he built to my specs. I had him put it together as an M4 "zombie style" carbine w/ 16" chrome-lined 1-in-9" twisted tube, detachable carry handle/rear sight and standard front sight on a flat top reciever.

What would y'all suggest for bullets to feed this rifle? I'd like a varmint bullet and a deer bullet. I've been given several suggestions including the 55 gr Hornady w/ cannelure and 65 gr Sierra GKs (both for big game) but haven't heard what Nosler has to offer.

Thoughts? Now that my 257 Roy is going w/ my Aunt to Colorado for a cow elk, I'm thinking maybe I need to put this hammer to the local does come the early antlerless only season!
The heavier bullets that you AR can shoot well will do on deer. Where do you live and hunt deer, what are their average size, just curious.
I live in Michigan and would be on a cull hunt for antlerless deer. Average size would be between 120-150 lbs?
efw":1g9arutu said:
I live in Michigan and would be on a cull hunt for antlerless deer. Average size would be between 120-150 lbs?

My grandson uses an AR for deer hunting and he uses the 55-60 class bullets and with his shot placement and they have been very effective.

My 1/9 16" likes 52-53 grain Sierra Match Kings, I shoot them for varmits.
It also shoot 5/8 moa with IMR4895 and 60gr Nosler Partitions.
For some reason, it also likes the 55gr Nosler SHOTS, when you can get them.
Eric, I would try these three if you can get them, the 60gr PT FIRST, the 65gr Sierra GK and then the 70gr Speer Semi Spitzer. I would feel pretty decent with any of those with a good accurate load for smallish does. H4895 or Benchmark would probably work pretty decent in your AR and the 1-9 should have no issues stabilizing any of those bullets. Scotty
Scotty's recomendation of the Partition is what I would first suggest, but after that, I would probably look a the dreaded brand 'B' TSX and push them as fast as you can.
I have a 16" Chrome Lined AR-15 that really, really likes 55gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with H4895. I am running them at 2950 FPS from my 16" and 40+ coyotes are no longer around since I have had this AR to testify that these bullets work for predators.

However I would not use them for Deer. I have had to shoot a couple deer that were injured as the result of vehicle accidents with the 55gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips and was not impressed with the results.

When my daughters were first starting hunting I only had one Deer Rifle (a Tang Safety Ruger M77R .30-06) and a Ruger KM77RFP MKII .223. I first used 70gr. Speer Semi Spitzers in that .223 for them to use on Deer. My oldest daughter did get on shot using that gun & load and it worked quite well.

A few years later I started reading great things about the 64gr. Winchester Power Point for use in the .223 on Whitetails, so I worked up a load. There were a couple Whitetails shot with this bullet with excellent results, plus a buddy used the same bullet & load in Western South Dakota on Pronghorns and was totally amazed. Winchester advertises this bullet as being designed for Deer at .223 Velocities.

I have tried 60gr. Nosler Partitions but never did come up with a load that would print better than 2" at 100 yards and never did use them for Deer Hunting.

Recently I worked up a pretty decent load for my 16" AR using the 65gr. Sierra Gameking Spitzer Boat Tail loaded with H-4895 but have not had the oppotunity to shoot a Whitetail with them yet (although my grand daughter has carried my AR for a couple years now just has not had the right shot opportunity present itself yet).

So with all that said at the present time I am loading both the 55gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips and 65gr. Sierra Gameking Spitzer Boat Tails for my AR .223.

Thanks a lot guys! I'll be sure to do some jug testing on whatever I end up favoring.