Are above 100% capacity loads more temp sensitive.?

Gm weatherby man

Dec 19, 2010
Been going through a few manuals, and the question came up in my head, thus I thought I'd see what those who have done it way longer than me had to say. :wink:
Hi there fella, this is a great question that I am wondering why I have not yet asked.

In the case of a few more modern powders, this is not an issue as they are called extreme powders due to their design which is that they are not vulnerable to extreme variations in temperature.

Having said that, I have not experienced any problems with temperature changes even with non extreme powders. I have shot my rounds or have handloaded ammo for others that has been shot in Alaska and Texas and many places in between.

I do believe that you would have to see differences in moisture, climate, and elevation to see the extreme variations and therefore effects on your burn rates, velocities, pressure, etc.

So I guess in a word, no but that is according to my own experience.

Any word from back east or the Rocky mountains?