Are YOU ready?

Mike Fontaine

Feb 28, 2006
Hi Fellow Gun Lovers,
I was recently visiting the “” website where there are recommendations listed for an “emergency kit” in case of a possible emergencies- both natural and “man-made.” As I was reading through the items on the list (which were all good items to include) I was trying to decide on additional items that I would include in the kit that would be appropriate for my family. This made me quickly start thinking about guns! What if it were necessary for my family to evacuate our home for and extended period of time??? What gun(s) would I take with me??? How much ammo do I have for these guns???
So here is my question to you:
If you had to leave your home because of a “man-made disaster” and could only take one gun with you, what would it be :?:
Ahh hell, this is all those freakin nuts on talk about.
SHTF this and SHTF that.
Guess what? It will never happen in a nation wide scenario.
That Katrina shit was brought upon themselves for staying there.
I can't see that happening with a tornado around here. Possibly a huge earthquake, though.

Sorry, I digress, back to the question, a shotgun is an extremely versatile weapon to hunt with and/or defend. Long range or short.
GOD forbid I ever get in this situation.

But if it did, 45ACP in my belt and 3.5" 12 ga for any other threat.
All other firearms will be in my gun safe.

A good all around survivla tool would be a shot gun of any gauge but, I would take my super black eagle 3 1/2 12 ga.
That thing is a giant hammer.
old #7. I like the way you think! I have the SBE II and have a rifle barrel to go along with it. Those 3 1/2 shells do more damage than my 10ga!
250 rounds of turkey loads and 250 slugs :wink: