B&C Stocks


Mar 27, 2011
Anyone have any experience with the Bell and Carlson ultralight stocks? Thinking about grabbing one for a rem 700 SA. Anyone know if they are "trimmer" than the regular carbelite stocks? I may be weird but I actually like the dimensions on the plastic stocks from remington, just want something a little stiffer as my 243 wants to be free floated.
I have a B&C Alaskan II on my .308 Win and it's a solid stock. I don't know how the thickness compares to the carbelite stocks but it's a little bit thicker than the SPS stock. With the thickness you get the rigidity you're looking for though. They do come with a pressure point in the fore end but it's pretty easy to sand that down. I just bedded the recoil lug on mine and it went pretty easy. I don't think you can go wrong with a B&C.
I just bought a B&C ultralight with aluminum bedding for my Model 70. It fit great and was a tad lighter. The B&C has a little more diameter in the grip than the original wood stock but otherwise is of same dimensions. I pulled the action out of the wood stock, installed in the B&C, screwed down to 50inlbs and went and shot it. The point of impact did not change an iota. It shot a 3/4" group first three shots. The first shot was on a cold clean and oiled barrel and was off a tad. The next two shots broke the same hole., I'm thinking its gonna work out good. I do recommend the B&C medalist ultralight.
Thanks, I think that helps, it's kind of a drag trying to find an aftermarket stock since in most cases they have to be ordered and you don't know exactly what you are getting til it arrives, and some stocks cost more than the rifle I wan to put it on. Sounds like for the money an alaskan II with full block may be the way to go.
I bought a B&C Medalist with the aluminum bedding and it works great did have to sand a little paint off to make it the free floated stock is was designed to be. No biggy.
Hard too say anything about weight its on a 24" STD. barreled 223rem so its the heaviest rifle I own. My 358win 700 is loads lighter due to the 358" bore.
I have a few B&C Medalists. I like them a lot. All of mine shoot well and would like to acquire a few more as well.
I just got back from the range with my bedded Alaskan II. It was shooting cloverleaf groups on a previously 1 1/2 MOA rifle!
Sounds like it's really working for ya CMBT, gotta love it when things come together. Stocky's stocks has pretty good prices right now on the ultralights that they have in stock, I may give them a call this week. My rifle is a 700 SPS in 243, currently pillar bedded into an old wooden ADL stock that I refinished and modified for the bottom metal, it shoots very well and looked awesome until I took it ibex hunting :| I'll refinish it again and keep using it but I need a good floatable synthetic that I can bolt on for desert trips , gouging the paint off my truck driving through the brush doesn't even make me blink but hammering on a handsome rifle handle is downright distressing!