I got up at 3:00 AM this morning to take my son Tater on his first duck hunt (where he carried a gun anyway). We got every thing loaded up hooked up the boat, and went to his friends favorite place. well when we got there, some,Butt head's had parked their 2 trucks side by side at the top of the boat ramp, so no one else could get in. thats just sorry. So we headed back, as it was already getting too late to get anywhere else, and had breakfast at a local diner, took his friend home, and I decided to drive by my deer lease to see if any of the guys were out there.
We were driving along the edge of the lease (still on black top), and I looked over in a corn field across from the lease, that had been harvested, and saw what I thought was a small clump of brush I hadn't noticed before.
Then the brush TURNED SIDE WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :grin: :grin: :idea: :idea: :idea:
It was the biggest NON TYPICAL I have ever seen in this area! Antlers well past it's ears, points going every where, and a drop tine on both sides! If Tater wasn't with me, I would have said nothing, due to lack of evidence, I'm sure if some one else has seen this deer, they are keeping there mouth shut as well. It was heading for my lease, but turned and went back from whence it came when I backed up to take a second look.
I guess I'll take the lease again next year if no one gets that buck this year.
We were driving along the edge of the lease (still on black top), and I looked over in a corn field across from the lease, that had been harvested, and saw what I thought was a small clump of brush I hadn't noticed before.
Then the brush TURNED SIDE WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :grin: :grin: :idea: :idea: :idea:
It was the biggest NON TYPICAL I have ever seen in this area! Antlers well past it's ears, points going every where, and a drop tine on both sides! If Tater wasn't with me, I would have said nothing, due to lack of evidence, I'm sure if some one else has seen this deer, they are keeping there mouth shut as well. It was heading for my lease, but turned and went back from whence it came when I backed up to take a second look.
I guess I'll take the lease again next year if no one gets that buck this year.