Bad hunting day


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
So I got a call from my buddy Phil out in King Salmon. The bears are out, he's booked solid, he's going to need help packing, moving boats around and did I want to come up early to help out. He will get me on a moose in September. Unfortunately he was on speaker and the seven tenths of a second I considered his offer was just a little too long. Sande chimed in, they exchanged pleasantries, she commented that we were loading the container, bound for King Salmon, with our summer supplies in the morning and it would be a simple matter to include all my personal property which is what would happen if I thought I was going to stretch my Alaska stay to five months. ( I'll be in Alaska June 1 to September 15). Sande is a hostage negotiator, I paraphrased her comments, in reality it was much more like she was telling an armed suspect to step in front of the window. There was a long pause, then Phil asked " does that mean no? Still don't know why I'm in trouble. Guess I'm not going to bear camp.
Sometimes you win some and sometimes it's best to hunker down and weather the storm.
I'll send you a waterproof parka and some granola bars if you need it Don. :)

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