Ballistic Tip vs Partition

Larry in SD

Nov 8, 2004
OK guys I have been working with a Remington Model 700 SPS .308. I had the 24" Barrel shortened and recrowned to 20" and have found a load with 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips I am happy with using Hodgdon's Varget. According to the data on the Hodgdon web site and Nosler web site I am a grain under max.

A friend just gave me a box of 165gr. Nosler Partitions to test.

I am just curious what the chances would be that the charge weight I am using with the 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips will be the preferred charge weight with the 165gr. Nosler Partitions?

Now I am sure some of you guys have loaded both the Nosler Ballistic Tips and Nosler Partitions in your rifles so I thought I would come here for an opinion.



I just purchased my very first box of partitions to hand load with = there will certainly be others to express their experience here, but personally I'd start back to close to ground zero.
Each bullet profile is going to react differently than the next.
After 20 years of actively loading myself, I've come across the first "published load" that I'm unable to use due to pressure issues.

Start on the lower end of the scale and work back up.........
I happen to think that the load you have that works so well with the BT will also shoot well with the Partition. BUT, as Powerstroke says, you need to back off the powder charge and start over when you try a new bullet.

Sure, you may not need to go clear back down to starting loads, but you need to work up to the prefered load from a grain or two lower.
My .300 win mag shoots the same load with Sierra Boattails as it does with the Partitions only the Partitions shoot 1 inch to the right. R is right back off a couple of grains and try it with the Partitions. As a side note I have been hunting with the Partitions for just shy of 50 years and find them to be about as good as it gets as a hunting bullet. They may not be quite as accurate as the Ballistic Tip but they will do a lot better job on game over the years. Besides a minute of elk, or deer is a pretty big target compared to a dime.

My experience is that I have had the same powder charge weight for both AB/BT and the PT shoot very well but to slightly different POI. The velocities will also be different, the PT's usually run higher pressures due to the design.

As the others have suggested, drop back the powder charge weight and work up.

If it were me and I was one grain under max I would just load them and see what happened

But I would definately expect a signifigantly different POI
Thanks guys. Actually my plan was to load a couple at lower charge levels to check for pressure before I loaded some up at the charge weight I am using now. In this day and age of the cost of loading components I was sort of looking for a short cut, but know full well that there really is no such thing in handloading.

For the record when I worked up the load for the Ballistic Tips I actually did go all the way to MAX and the pressures were what I consider max (ie I wasn't going any higher / hotter), but in the end one grain under the published max was my accuracy load.

This .308 has been putting me through the wringer but I think I am finally winning with the copper fouling, even though it took drastic measures.

Thanks again


I fully understand the component cost/short cut route, don't blame you one bit.
A short cut I have used for years is to load one shell each at 2.0, 1.0, and 0.5 grs below where I want to be and shoot them for a pressure check.
Starting low and working up, I am where I want to be with 3 shots fired.

Varget is a great powder in the 308 Win and I wouldn't think you should have any problems.

Good luck with the 165 gr PT load development in your 308 Win.

My expierence has been that the BT bullets show pressure problems sooner than the PAR bullets. I shoot the same loads in BT and PAR in my firearms and all hunting loads are max loads.

This may not be by the book but if it were me I would load up 3-5 rounds using the BT data he has(and that is below max anyway) and try them. IF you get pressure signs stop and then back off the load. I often start load work with BT bullets then when I get a load switch to PAR bullets due to the cost. Never had a problem.
The only time I had troubles was when I tried to use some old Rem bronze point bullets and they showed pressure problems long before any Nosler or Hornady bullet. I have not used the lead free Nosler or Hornady bullets and then I would start from scratch on my loads.

Flame away but it has worked for me in many cartridges/firearms for a very long time without any problems.
Thanks again guys. Not quite sure when I am going to get to loading the Partitions but now have some ideas as to where to start.

Only bag with a short cut that might save a few dollars could cost you a new rifle at best or at worst ...... I almost learned this going from one bullet to the next. I would not mess around with it but start at the min and work up.

I have been going back and forth between BT's and Partition's for many years. I like you, tend to load for the accuracy load and have never had any issue between the two bullet types, including 165 PT and Partition .308 bullets in my .30-06. They sometimes even shoot into the same group but not always in my experience.

You may have to reset your seating die for the Partitions, the ogive is slighly diffferent and the seating depth setting will usually change between the two bullets.
Larry, as suggested, it's not uncommon for the BT and Partitions to like very similar, if not identical loads. I'd say you have the right idea, dropping back to check for pressure, then shooting a few groups to see if it holds for this load as well.

Good luck, let us know.
Thanks again guys for the info. As I stated it'll be a while before I get around to doing any more testing. In the process of getting ready for the youngest daughters upcoming wedding. Busy time indeed.

Keep us posted. Thid is a very interesting issue.
Well guys today was the day. It was 73*, partly cloud (or partly sunny depending on how you want to look at it) with absolutely no wind (which is rare in South Dakota).

With that said I grabbed the test loads I had loaded for my Remington Model 700 SPS 20" .308 with the 165gr. Nosler Partitions and headed for the range.

I did what everyone suggested and loaded a round at each charge level starting 2 grains below my desired charge weight (I had inquired about using the Partitions with a load I worked up with Ballistic Tips, both of the same weight).

In the end the 45gr. charge of Hodgdon's VARGET (same charge weight as I am using with the 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips) turned out to be the load of choice. My average group size with this load today was 1.0815" with the largest group going 1.232" and the smallest group going .931" at 100 yards from the bench.

I also chronographed a 10 shot string while I was shooting and the average was 2620 FPS with an extreme spread on 10 shots of 47 FPS. For the record I also chronographed 10 rounds of the 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips which averaged 2612 FPS with an extreme spread on 10 shots of 50 FPS.

So in the end I now have two loads to choose between, both with the same primer and powder charge. To make matters even better the point of impact is close enough for the girls I go with, ie the 165gr. Nosler Partitions printed 1" lower and maybe a click to the left of where the 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips print.

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together.

Again thanks to all that responded to the original post.


PS the 165gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with Hodgdon VARGET in this rifle average just under an inch at 100 yards from the bench.
Varget is what my wifes 308 prefers above all others. Seems to shoot really consistent with about every load I have tried. I have kind of quit messing with other powders for the 308, since Varget usually gets really good speed and the best of the lot for accuracy. Scotty
I use the same powder weight in my 30-06 with the 165 grain BTs and the Partitions. The BTs are a bit more accurate than the Partitions due to their higher BC. I can use BTs, Partitions and Accubonds of the same weight with the same powder charge.
It has been fun watching this thread and I am glad your plan worked out. Sure is fun reloading and developing loads and then to hunt with them. I just love it.