Before & After Stock


Feb 24, 2006
I found a deal on a new take off Remington Factory Laminated Stock.
Gotta say, there is quite the difference - feels a heck of a lot better now too.....
Rem 700SPS in .257 Bee to Laminated
Hope it doesn't shoot poorly now..... :grin:



Nice! That LSS and SS look great together.


Laminated stock are pretty stable. Bed that thing and you won't have a problem. If you can pillar bed it, the better. The only thing though, laminated stock doesn't soak-up recoil like the synthetics.

That is certainly a handsome stock. I like laminates so much better than the synthetics, and that one is certainly attractive. It is certainly accented by the stainless rifle.

If she doesn't shoot, do as Desert Fox said and pillar bed it.
That is what I did with my 280 AI. My 338 RUM is stock and shoots great. One day when I rebarrel it, I will also get it pillar bedded.

Have always liked those Rem LSS stocks. Your rifle looks great!

Agree, if it doesn't shoot well: bed the action and free float the barrel, or play a little with the pressure pad found near the end of many Remington stocks.

Not a bad idea to bed it and free-float it anyway!

Congrats on a good looking rifle! Big improvement. Guy
Wow, that 257 looks awesome! Good looking rifle with the laminate on it. Scotty
Thanks Guys -

That is the delima :roll: shoot it as is or go ahead and have it pillar bedded... hmmmmmmmm
My Dad is here for the long weekend and could easily drop it off @ Gre-Tan on his way home.........

If you can, shoot a group with a proven load to see what you have. You may not need to do anything.

If it doesn't shoot, get it pillar bedded and don't look back.

That rifle went from a run of the mill looking plastic gun to flat out SEXY!

Well done sir!
I'd both pillar and glass bed it. You would be done and wouldn't have to mess with it any more, and you won't have to worry about POI changing. I love the laminates, strong and stable! Nice looking rig.
Well - Issue resolved.... I sent it back over the hill with my Dad to drop at the G-smith for the works.
He's running about 10 to 11 months out on actually building any rifles, so it might take a bit to get it back.

Let us know when you get her back.
