bench pics

Boy some of those set-ups sure make a guy feel like he's having BENCH ENVY :!: :mrgreen: :grin: I'll see if I can get a shot of mine in here. Nothing real fancy, but it works.
Yeah, here is a shot of mine. It is jam packed and I am in dire need of a cabinet, but it does work fine.



Funny thing is, I used to have a much smaller bench in my old house. I thought this would be more than plenty, was I ever wrong!!! I guess I will build myself a storage unit shortly. Scotty
My humble messy dual purpose bench ala Home Depot. All my equipment is portable and stashable. My Presses are in the base cabinets, dies and other tooling is in a roller cabinet, powders are stashed in one safe and bullets are kept in my Grandma's Hoosier cabinet...

Nice looking set-up Nodak. Here is my bench. It's a couple pieces of that real heavy counter lamintated material which we in turn glued/laminated together. I put up a piece of flooring trim for a wall backing plate and found a used cabinet that one of the places in town wanted $15.00 for. We made steel triangle mounting brackets to hold this thing up and make it secure as it is HEAVY and stout. The Homak wall safe on the right just holds some important things to include calipers, OAL lenght gauges, primer's, couple pistols, things like that. Actually those would make good storage areas for dies and bullets as well. The cabinet over the bench has dies, powders, bullets, and things like that in it. The bench is high enough that I can put more storage underneath as shown by the dresser full of hunting clothes. The bench is about 10 feet long and 2 feet wide. It's nothing fancy, but it's mine and it works.


Thanks Remmy, but not sure what you got over me with the exception that you are flirtin with disaster with the bed in there.. Technically I think the wifey could legally claim the area.... Its gotta go... :lol:
Rod it's not our bedroom, you think this stuff would or could possibly be alowed to enter those hallowed halls :!: :shock: This is completely MAN-CAVE and is in the basement. It has no windows so no-one can see what's in there from the outside, and it's dark as a cave (pun intended) if a person has to work a night shift and sleep in the day. It's all manly, and it's all mine. My wife hates to even walk in the place as it just reeks with testosterone! :mrgreen:

Cmon, I know its not your bedroom.. I know you have far more class than to be married to a woman that would actually allow that in the bedroom.... :shock: And knowing you, I am 1000% positive your wife is a wonderful classy & smart Lady, she has to be to put up with a man with ties to ND..... 8) 8) And ya know Ladies that marry the likes of us have got to be earmarked for Sainthood!!! :wink:

But the floral print on the comforter just does not match.... Unless........ There are things we are just not privvy to? :oops:

Heres what mine looks like as of right now. Its changed over the years with places I've lived and what not, but its usually the same layout. I have a big old school teachers desk that I got for free with a bench in mind..... Its heavy, sturdy, big area to work or clean and with extra storage bins, makes for an awesome bench. A white shelf holds my bullets, powders, primers, brass, and a couple other odds an ends.

This is what my bench looks like all the time except for when I'm reloading. I cant stand trying to reload or work on anything in a mess, thats why I always give Jmad a hard time, his room looks like a tornado went through it, lol. I always have to have things neat, clean and in an organized fashion or it bugs me, I think they call that OCD or something dont they? Hahaha

I'm getting an inferiority complex from all this cleanliness. Remmy, I would be lost looking for things on a bench that clean. I'm with Jake. Tornadoes leave things neat and tidy compared to what my bench looks like.
It may be a messy bench, but it is nevertheless a blessed Christmas. I have five of my six grandchildren here for Christmas and I'll spoil them. Hopefully, we will have opportunity to do some loading for their new rifle.
remingtonman_25_06 said:
This is what my bench looks like all the time except for when I'm reloading. I cant stand trying to reload or work on anything in a mess, thats why I always give Jmad a hard time, his room looks like a tornado went through it, lol. I always have to have things neat, clean and in an organized fashion or it bugs me, I think they call that OCD or something dont they? Hahaha

Very nice and tidy looking set-up. I have to admit that things can accumulate on my bench when I am not loading, but like you, I like to have my work space neat and tidy when I'm loading as I am anal. I heard you call it OCD or something, but I think it's the same sickness. I just try and be very meticulous with my loading as I don't want to mess up. Chip off the old block I would guess! :shock:
I built this a few years ago when I was in college and jumping apartment to apartment every year, so mobility was a key requirement. 10 bolts and the bench is apart. The plywood is supported by three 2x6s running lengthwise. All in all, about $70 in materials and one full day to cut, fit, drill, weld, paint and finish the lumber.

View attachment IMG_0191.jpg

Originally the press was in the front center of the bench and I noticed it was both twisting and bending that front 2x6. So last year I added the mounting bracket. This accomplishes two things: first, it translates the torsional load into strictly bending loads, pushing straight down on the front plank and pulling straight up on the middle one. Second, it raises the press closer to eye level where I can watch without having to bend down constantly. In addition, I relocated it to the end of the bench where deflection of the boards is minimal.


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That is a neat solution to a problem that I suspect many of us have encountered.
I like to take pictures and my little closet is to messy to show, my wife would kill me. She said, "how do you come up with a load in here among all this stuff that is stack up?" I just turned and grinned. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
remingtonman_25_06":12oe0oai said:
Heres what mine looks like as of right now. Its changed over the years with places I've lived and what not, but its usually the same layout. I have a big old school teachers desk that I got for free with a bench in mind..... Its heavy, sturdy, big area to work or clean and with extra storage bins, makes for an awesome bench. A white shelf holds my bullets, powders, primers, brass, and a couple other odds an ends.

This is what my bench looks like all the time except for when I'm reloading. I cant stand trying to reload or work on anything in a mess, thats why I always give Jmad a hard time, his room looks like a tornado went through it, lol. I always have to have things neat, clean and in an organized fashion or it bugs me, I think they call that OCD or something dont they? Hahaha


Does that sent tree have hoppes #9 on it? I guess pine or cedar is OK too.
here is my bench I also use a roll-away tool box and shelf for the storage of my odd and ends
