Best Barrels?

The problem with checking with BR shooters is that a barrel that a custom maker cuts for a BR cartridge (.224" or .243") may get more attention than one in a hunting caliber like .277" or .323". Too much depends on the use for the rifle and the shooter's skills. I've had several rifles and handguns built which agg in the 0.3s for four, 5-shot groups (not just the best groups, which were in the 0.1s). These were not in BR calibers but shot very well anyway. Hart and Jarrett were the best of the ones I tried.

OTOH, a hunter does not need that level of accuracy, and unless he is willing to spend the money to improve the entire rifle the money is wasted on a true BR custom. Hanging a $500 barrel on a junky action in a mouldy stock with haphazard handloads won't get sub-1/2 moa accuracy. Figure on having the action trued, the trigger worked, and the whole thing at least pillar bedded into a stable stock. Lots of work, lots of $$$.

For the average hunter a good-quality but non-BR barrel is fine and will likely shoot about as well as the BR tube. An "economy" barrel from Douglas, etc. will do most just fine, and save a bundle to boot!
One other often overlooked factor other then the barrel manufacture is who chambers it. The best barrel in the world is only as good as the man that runs the reamer in it. The quality of work done after the barrel is procured is just as important in the finished product. One can end up with as poor an end result when useing a Hart or Krieger barrel as he can with a Remington cast off if the wrong man does the installation. The acuall barrel quality between the top makers is minor.

I don`t know this for sure but, I feel this is one of the reasons so many swear by one brand over another. If Pac Nor does a bang up job chambering a barrel and Douglas has a new guy that didn`t quite get it right, the buyer will swear Pac Nor is worlds ahead of Douglas in quality. The truth is, both may be of the same basic grade. When we get to the highest quality stock, the installation becomes even more important to the owners satisfaction, "ASSUMING" he`s able to use the equipment to its fullest potentual.
I have used barrels from Hart, Shilen, Krieger for my hunting and my benchrest competition rifles.
Retired Army Col. Billy Stevens does all my work. He is a very accomplished Benchrest shooter who has won the Super Shoot (over 300 competitors) an who gained enough points to make and compete on the USA world team.
He puts the same amount of effort in hunting guns as he does the Benchrest guns that he builds. Get yourself a good barrel and by all means pick a good gunsmith. He is building me a 280AI and a 308 Win right now Ahhh, life is good.