Big Accubond Accuracy...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
So, today my 18 year old son and I went to the range, to do a little practice for our upcoming bear hunt. The hunt I used to justify my purchase of the .375 H&H Ruger Number One not too long ago... :oops:

Young John is doing great with the .25-06, slinging those 100 gr bullets into the bull with glee. He's become quite attached to My Rifle and after the bear hunt, I may have a tussle on my hands to get the rifle back... :grin:

Yeah - I'm bragging a bit - but the dad-gum Ruger surprised and pleased me today with this sub 1/2" group at 100 yards!


I was sitting on the ground, shooting from shooting sticks! :shock: This is the 260 grain Nosler AccuBond at 2650 fps for 4073 ft-lbs of energy at the muzzle. Power I expected. Accuracy like this? From a production Ruger big game rifle? Wow... I am grateful... I haven't fired that kind of group from it before, and may never again, but the rifle & load were shooting great today! A bit high - so after the group I dropped a couple of MOA from the elevation and centered it up on the 200 yard target.

Wow... Every time I shoot this rifle, I like it more. Nosler - you guys make a mighty fine bullet - still. These 260's are my first Accubonds, but I've been shooting Noslers since about 1974 or 1975...

Semper Fi, Guy
Nicely done Guy, congratulations.
Yep, those big caliber heavy weight Accubonds shoot.

4 elk bang flop. .375 cal and 260 gr AccuBond. I don't brag about the groups because few people shoot a .375 so it would go un-noticed. Untill now :wink: It will do it's thing again (I hope) this October.
Nice!! Aint that fun!! And with your son no less. You are blessed! Keep shooting. CL
That is a beautiful sight! Great shooting. We'll enjoy hearing about the tussle to get back your 25-06. Those boys grow up and they want their own rifles. Usually, that means that Dad will surrender his own rifle. Thanks for posting this. It is great to see.
Guy, that is an impressive group from the sitting position using sticks. I think I would keep that rifle and that load but it is clear you made the difference. Great shooting Guy!!!!! :grin:
Strongly suspect I flinched just right to pull 'em all into that tight group - pure luck! :grin:

It does shoot good though. I'm loading 76.5 gr H4350, and seating the bullets out long, this Ruger has a very generous throat, and of course no magazine to worry about. The rounds are so long they look silly.

Am supposed to pick up another box of 'em tomorrow IF they're in at the local shop... Otherwise I'm OUT of Accubonds!!! :shock:

The youngster does know how to shoot and had a blast today too:



Regards, Guy
Guy! Very good shooting! Not too surprised to see that kind of accuracy from the more recently produced Rugers.

The H-4350 is a great powder for the 375 H&H and the 375 Ruger.
Guy, have you tried the 260 partitions? I have some 260 abonds to spare if you need them.
Strongly suspect I flinched just right to pull 'em all into that tight group

Some flinch! Amazing thing, those flinches, especially when you can consistently flinch just right. Guess that is what differentiates a rifleman from a shooter. That is something to be proud of.

That son of yours looks as if he is having some fun. He looks very comfortable with the firearms. Those are great pictures.
Guy Miner":28naxsvb said:
Am supposed to pick up another box of 'em tomorrow IF they're in at the local shop... Otherwise I'm OUT of Accubonds!!! :shock:

Guy let me know if you need some I've got two boxes of 260 grain Accubonds sitting on my bench. I'm going to try 300 grain Partitions next, but I'm not using my Ruger to hunt this year as it is too heavy to carry chasing elk. So until I get my stock whittled down I will not be using the rifle to hunt so I don't need the Accubonds at the present time.