BLC-2 and my 223


Feb 2, 2008
Hey gang does anyone have a fav load using BLC-2 in 223? The CFO let me get a Tikka varmint in 223 for Christmas. I'm having problems with the 60 grain partitions. I've tried IMR & H4895 along with IMR4198. The rifle likes the 69 grain HPBT with 23 grains of H4895 but the partitions are being difficult. The rifle has a 1-8 twist and a 20" barrel. I've been using FC and LC brass and cci small rifle primers. The mag keeps the oal to 2.260 or less. Thanks much.
Russ, I tried the BL(c-2) in my AR with the partitions, but had better luck with the imr 4895.

Load was:
60gr Partition.
CCI bench primers
Win brass
Max charge of IMR 4895, I think it was 23.5 grains, definatly not a starting load. It shoots about 5/8" in my 1/9 twist Bushmaster. This is with a NATO throat, so keep that in mind if you have a .223 Rem throat.
Thomas, I tried the imr 4895. Started at 23.5 and went up to 25.5 (max).
Same with the h4895. The best group came with the imr4895 at max. I playing with the oal and will see how that goes.
RR, what was your load with the imr3031?
Russ, have you tried Varget? I think it may be good with the heavy for caliber in 223. IMR4198 might be worth a try also.
Randal, I tried the imr4198. Works great with the 50 grain Barnes Varmint grenades but the partitions went all over the place. Varget is like gold over here. When it comes in its usually gone that day. I've been trying to get some for some time but its been "You should have came yesterday". "But you got it yesterday". "Yep, couple guys came in and bought them all". :cry:
I wish the reloading fairy would drop some off at the house. :)
varget treats me well..... not the best velocities.... but accurate indeed

I'm also having fair results with benchmark
I've used BLC-2 in the past, but was with 52gr SMK's shooting 100yd BenchRest. Generally speaking it worked good......
Moved on the 70gr VLD's and Viht N-140 now.
Used it exclusively with my 223 but with 50-55 grain bullet. Very good powder and give higher velocity.
I have a pair of Ruger M77 II Ultralight rifles that just love 27.5 gr. of BL-C2, with a 40 gr. Nosler BT bullet and a CCI 450 Small Rifle Magnum primer in a Winchester case. I love this load, at 100 yards it shots to the same point as 45 gr HP bulk Winchester ammo and it is accurate. More or less powder may work better, but for me the testing started and stopped here as it was doing all that I asked, "one and done" so to speak.

I had trouble finding a working load with any ball powders in the 223 until I switched to CCI 450 primers. The old Speer book I have always had an * beside the ball powders that denoted a magnum primer was required. I used several brands of standard SR primers and had visible signs of incomplete or improper ignition. I had the odd high pressure sign from starting loads but mostly blackened cases indicating pressure too low to expand the case properly. Magnum primers solved all the issues, and gave me an accurate load. I believe that Ball powder, BL-C2 in particular, needs a little help with ignition especially with a near to full case of powder. The other rule or suggestion: that ball powders should not be compressed may also apply to BL-C2. In my research I came across recommendations for a Fed 215 primer in a 308 with BL-C2, that's alot of primer for such a relatively small case.
I should be standard practice to use mag primers with any ball powder. They are just harder to light than stick powders.
Well the BLC didn't work out and I finally got some Varget. Thats the powder. 24 grains with the 69 grain CC is it for the Tikka. Thanks for all the input guys.
I've use BL-C2 in the past, and it worked fine with both 50 and 55 grain bullets, both Nosler BTs and Hornady V-Max. Long time ago, and I don't remember the charge. I think I'm going to try out Ramshot TAC in the future. I have a pound sitting here.
BK, you need to try that TAC in your Whelen/358 Win. It is supposed to be awesome, but I haven't heard of too much about it in the Whelen. Scotty
I will, Scotty. I figure with all I've read about RL15 in the Whelen, I'll look really closely at that, but the .358 will definitely get a go around with TAC.
I had no luck with BL-C2 and 60gr BTs but I was using fed 205m primers. Switched to Benchmark and it started shooting very small groups. This was out of my Bushmaster VMatch.
Woodycreek":1r01sg0m said:
I had no luck with BL-C2 and 60gr BTs but I was using fed 205m primers. Switched to Benchmark and it started shooting very small groups. This was out of my Bushmaster VMatch.

Same thing happened for me with my .204...Benchmark seems to work better for cartridges in these calibers.
257 Ackley":2xkwfwye said:
Woodycreek":2xkwfwye said:
I had no luck with BL-C2 and 60gr BTs but I was using fed 205m primers. Switched to Benchmark and it started shooting very small groups. This was out of my Bushmaster VMatch.

Same thing happened for me with my .204...Benchmark seems to work better for cartridges in these calibers.
Yes it does! Thinking about trying Benchmark and 55gr BTs.
I tried Benchmark in my buddies AR and it was decent, didn't seem as good as H4895 with 60gr PT's, but it was still decently enough accurate and the speed was okay. Check out Sierra's loads for AR type rifles. They are pretty tough sounding and work well through the AR's. Scotty