Boar hunting


Nov 7, 2006
While we have a multitude of critters to hunt here in Montana that could open a can of whoop butt on you if you are not careful, we don't have any wild pigs to hunt. For what ever reason that seems strike hunters from time to time, I have come to realize I have a hankering to chase wild pigs. May be it all dates back to having clean and care for my cousin's 4H hogs when he got mono when we were in the 8th grade. I sure had an urge to shoot the sorry lot of them at the time. Anyway, I thought I would toss the topic out in front of my brother Noslerites. In watching the outdoor channel hunts it seems that Texas and Florida are the most popular destinations. I also understand there also opportunities in California. I have a brother in law who lives in the Tampa area so I could turn a trip to Florida to hunt pigs into a multi-purpose trip. My brother in law is neat guy and so I enjoy spending time with him. We could do some fishing since I am equally addicted to fishing as I am hunting. The trouble is that if I am going to invest in a hunt, I want to pick a place where I would have a high chance of success while still upholding the principles of fair chase.

Any suggestions where I should start looking from out there in Nosler land? :?:
Rick, it sounds like the trip to visit your brother in law would be the ticket.

But, if you are interested in California I can recommend some pig guides that I have hunted with and had good hunts. First is Tom Willoughby out of King City, CA. Tom and his son Blake put on a good hunt. Tom's phone number is (831) 385-3003.

Another guide who I have hunted with and can recommend is Roger Miller out of Parkfield, CA. Roger has a big place and plenty of hogs. He has a cabin on the ranch you can rent if you are interested. Roger's phone number is (805) 463-2316.

Both these guys have plenty of hogs and even have a cooler to put them in until you take them home or to a meat locker.

Another guy who I have never hunted with but gets good results from what I hear is Kyler Hammon. Kyler posts often on Kyler can be reached at

Hope this helps.

I hunted near Kalispel once with a friend who grew up there, had a great time.
Thanks for the tips. I had picked up on both guides doing an internet search of recommneded guides. Much easier to get to California than Florida so I may end up going that way instead of to Florida.
Being stationed at Vandenberg AFB, along the central coast of CA, I would have to agree, to come to CA for a hog hunt. Fortunately, I get to hunt on base and hog hunting is awesome. I shot this sow the Friday after Thanksgiving using my CVA .45 Cal muzzleloader (the base has areas designated for certain firearms or archery). She weighed in at 164lbs. We have to check in all deer & hogs harvested at the base conservation office.

I am having some issues getting my arms around pursuit of a critter shorter than my labradors that weighs more that any mule deer doe I have shot....

I raised the issue of a combo trip to California - a couple of days hog hunting and then some time in the cenral CA wine country. She was receptive to the idea AFTER we take a nice cruise to celebrate our 30th in 2007. I did not mention, however, that I would probably want to get an S&W 460 to take along for any short range opportunties... After all the cost of the pistol is equal to the fares for a 3 day cruise. :lol: :p :p
I've hunted with Tom Willoughby for about 25 years and he will get you into pigs. He has access to a lot of ranches and doesn't overhunt em. You'll also be in the Monterey area and they have real good salmon and rock cod fishing during the spring.
Good Hunting and fishing :grin:
Richracer1":c3l5y6o9 said:
Being stationed at Vandenberg AFB, along the central coast of CA, I would have to agree, to come to CA for a hog hunt. Fortunately, I get to hunt on base and hog hunting is awesome. I shot this sow the Friday after Thanksgiving using my CVA .45 Cal muzzleloader (the base has areas designated for certain firearms or archery). She weighed in at 164lbs. We have to check in all deer & hogs harvested at the base conservation office.


Nice piggy!
Here's a pic of the little 172lb piggy that popped my 300RUM's cherry. FYI the weight is after being field dressed. He was my New Years Eve boar.

If I can kill 6 of those a year I would be happy! :lol:
The pigs appear to have much longer and thicker hair than the ones I hunted in Georgia. Does California have feral or russian hogs?
YoteSmoker":1uvckwwu said:
The pigs appear to have much longer and thicker hair than the ones I hunted in Georgia. Does California have feral or russian hogs?

CA has both and cross bred versions of both as well. I think some domestic pigs have escaped and became wild and bred with the feral/Russian versions as well.

POP":1uvckwwu said:
If I can kill 6 of those a year I would be happy!

POP, just come to CA, you can buy all the tags you want. There are no bag limits on hogs in CA. Friend of mine is getting close to ten hogs harvested this hunting season (1 July 06 to 30 Jun 07).