Both .375's at the range

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Though I don't have the new Winchester scoped yet, I took it to the range along with the Ruger Number One. What a hoot. Notice how much longer the Model 70 is than the Ruger, despite having the same length barrels.

First up was the new Winchester, with some really mild handloads. Perfect for trying out the new rifle. With these, the Model 70 hardly even felt like it had any recoil :

Then I stepped up to the factory loaded 300 gr FMJ ammo. It had more of a kick to it, but shot commendably well. I was pleased with how easy it was to stay on target and rapidly recover from recoil, then work the action & shoot again. Those two hits in the orange, and the one next to it were put there at 25 yards, just covering the orange bull with the Model 70's front sight. Exactly what express sights are supposed to do I'd think:

The Number One with the 1.5-5x Leupold shot very well with my handloaded 260 gr AccuBond ammo. It's ready for bear hunting in a couple of weeks!

Those were the first five shots I fired from the rifle Mike, all from standing, unsupported. The two with the black marks next to them were the low-powered 220 gr rounds, while I was just getting a feel for the rifle. The next three were the 300 gr FMJ Winchester factory cartridges, fired as fast as I could go with the bolt action & iron sights at 25 yards. Fun stuff, and I am impressed with the rifle.

I really need to get a scope on this Winchester though!

That 300 g FMJ load is good enough for dangerous game! Excellent!
Great shooting Guy. Send me an address and I can send you some mounting equipment!
Setting the Model 70 aside for now. Wouldn't have minded taking it on the bear hunt coming up in a week, but... I haven't got a decent spare scope for it at the moment, and don't feel like stripping one off an existing, sighted-in hunting rifle, nor do I feel like parting with the cash for another good scope yet.

Just haven't had much time to get familiar with that new rifle yet, with only six shots downrange, I think I'll just set it aside for now and hunt with the ol' "bear rifle" the Ruger Number One.

So, the Model 70 sits out bear season, and maybe this entire hunting season. Boo Hoo. I've got the Number One if something needs a big hole poked in it!

Decision made. For now. Africa? Hmmmm.... That's next summer... We'll see.

Looking real good Guy!..Man, I think your ready pal :twisted: :wink: ...Lou
Thanks, but no need. The Model 70 will get a scope eventually. I've got a 1.5-5x on the Number One. That will do for now.

Guy, this has got me doing a major shuffle around my safe so that I can get some optics back on my 375R. The big ones are a kind of fun to play with now and then. Mine don't look nearly as nice as either of yours, but they are fun all the same.

Those are some dang nice looking rifles.