Brake or not to brake????


Dec 2, 2010
With the thoughts of a new build in the works I'm trying to decide if I should add a brake to the gun. It will be a 7wsm witha a 24" barrel. I plan on using the rifle for deer hunting out west and for target shooting. I want one for recoil reduction but I know they are loud for the shooter and if someone might be next to the shooter.

It would not be hard to have ear plugs around your neck while hunting and if given time, pop them in. In a perfect hunting world, this rifle would be shot very few times in the field per year.

Thoughts and input are welcomed!!!!
I never found the recoil on my 7WSM to be brutal. I compare it to a 30-06 or a .308. I long ago ceased hunting with friends who insisted on carrying a braked rifle. For deer and similar thin-skinned animals, if the rifle used has that much recoil, you're better off using a rifle that generates less recoil.
I've never been around one but from the way I read, they are too loud.

30-06 recoil is not bad. I can handle that.
I've never shot the 7MM WSM but I do have some experience with the .300 WSM and frankly didn't think it was all that bad. I did the entire load work up for my son in law for his .300 WSM and some of the loads were right at the max. His rifle was the M70 Featherweight. I also shot one helping a guy sight in and his was an M70 sporter, roughly a pound heavier than the FWT. Recoil was a pussycat in that rifle.

On muzzle brakes, I only have one rifle that has one, a Winchester M70 Stainless Classic in .338 Win. Mag. I think it didn't help all that much. Dunno. Maybe I was expecting more from it that it produced. I'm seriously considering having it rebarreled to maybe a 7MM Rem. Mag. (y)
Paul B.
Best I can suggest is to forgo the brake, see how it shoots and go from their. It shouldn't add a lot of money to get a brake installed down the road as opposed to now - but check with your smith.

If the build is a super lightweight - sub 6.5 lbs total weight - a brake might make sense. I shoot a Kimber 84L classic in 280 AI (advertised 5lbs and 10 ounces) and recoil is very manageable as kitted out with scope and bipod (probably 8ish lbs total). Recoil is equal to and some times significantly less than some 30-06's I've shot; it's straight stock, healthy recoil pad among a few other design features really helps to tame the recoil!

If you go with a brake, electronic muffs are another option along with taking the brake off to hunt. Personally, I haven't found any muffs I'm comfortable using while hunting big game - ducks and geese is another matter.

Congrats on the new build!
I have brakes on several guns that really don't need them. They're nice to do load work ups with them then take them off and put the thread protector on for field work(may have to rezero). I have the smith make a thread protector when he installs brake. I have most of my guns threaded for either brakes or suppressors.

You could always do something like the Brockman brake that you can open/close as desired. I sure do like a brake during load workup.
DrMike":2ex83rfo said:
I never found the recoil on my 7WSM to be brutal. I compare it to a 30-06 or a .308. I long ago ceased hunting with friends who insisted on carrying a braked rifle. For deer and similar thin-skinned animals, if the rifle used has that much recoil, you're better off using a rifle that generates less recoil.

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I wouldn’t worry about it on any WSM.

I have shot a 30-378 Weatherby. Case holds 120 gn of powder, nearly triple a 308. Then you touch that off, it blows the grass 10 yards in both directions.

I would not have put a brake on that either.

I would not make fun of you shooting a 7WSM with a break.

I did pick up a 300WSM that had a brake. Former owner was worried about recoil.

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Summary: Use the brake, noticeable reduction in felt recoil

I have never used a muzzle brake until one came with my .30 Nosler. First thing I did was take it off & went to the range ... well, this exposed the great difference between my 18 1/2 lb .30-06 and my 7 lb .30 Nosler ... almost got bit hard by the scope as I must have developed some bad habits having a heavy rifle.

I put the brake back on & there was a very noticeable reduction in felt recoil; albeit a lot louder as well.

A few years ago I made the mistake of being next to my daughter looking through my scope as she was shooting with her 7mm Rem Mag w/muzzle brake ... I think my left ear is still bleeding.

I now hunt with ear plugs in my shirt pocket.
With a squishy recoil pad you should have no problems without being braked on the bench, and in hunting situations even less so. It's close to being an 06 with recoil.

Big boomers are another matter. I wont shoot them with any regularity off the bench without being braked. I've no intrest in pounding my shoulder and jarring my brain on a regular basis just to see what a rifle/load will do for someone else. Anybody else wants to they can have at it. Last I checked they weren't handing out any hero awards for absorbing 50 plus ft lbs of recoil.

Absent the big boomers, brakes are a pain in my opinion. VERY loud and high muzzle blast.
A good stock design that fits you and is equipped with a good recoil pad like a Pachmayr Decelerator Magnum recoil pad should be more than enough to soften the recoil on the 7 WSM, If you need more, you can look at Magna Porting or a brake.
Did you find a gunsmith yet to get the project kicked off?

Muzzle brakes are very loud. A comment was made on wearing muffs while hunting. I do with out fail. I'm legally deaf in my right ear and have lost a considerable amount in the high frequency range in my left ear. I can't afford to lose any more. A decent pair isn't all that uncomfortable and they do keep your ears warm.
Paul B.
Thanks for all the replies. Keep them coming.

I picked Hell's Canyon in ID to do the work. I'm shipping my action out today. Should have it by September if all goes well. I'm still on the fence with the brake. I would say 99% of my shots will be at the range with this rifle. That being said, I am leaning towards a brake. I have some time to think it over.
Should be a great build Matt. I have 2 rifles with brakes, 416 Wby and 338 RUM. They definitely work but they are loved. My wife has shot my 338 RUM which has a Williams tactical brake and doesn't object to the recoil.

Looking forward to seeing your build when it's finished.

The 300WSM I mentioned has the magnaport brake. Seems to work fine.

Former owner says it reduced the kick to 308 range. For me, i shoot enough mags, I can’t tell.

Gun groups great!

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