Broke my press!!!!


Dec 2, 2010
Well after 9 or 10 years of reloading, my Lee press just broke with 19 more rounds to resize!!! The metal where the handle connects to the press snapped. I guess I can contact Lee and see if they will replace the parts or upgrade to a Rock Chucker. At least I have some rounds for the weekend ready to go.
That's pretty good service. I've heard Lee does a good job of taking care of their customers.

My ol' Rockchucker keeps chucking along after 30 years and I literally don't know how many thousands of rifle & handgun rounds.

A nice press is worth the extra money WT. Lots of good ones out there nowadays.
Which press do you have?

I bought the Lee Anniversary Kit when I first started reloading assuming I'd have to upgrade, but haven't had to replace the press. Other parts of the kit (scale, measure, etc) I've upgraded but not seen need to replace press itself.

Now the toggle down where the handle connects broke on me several times but replacements were CHEAP (duh...) pot metal until the last time. They're now lovely steel parts that'll never break again.

My experience w/ Lee presses suggests they are the rare exception to the rule "you get what you pay for".

You call Lee and will be happy w/ their customer service. They're great.
That's what I've heard. Cheerful and quick replacement of broken parts. No problem.
I got my "Herters" press in the late 50's. I now have three of them, as parts are hard to find. However I have yet to break a part. They are kind of like the energizer bunny, they just keep on, ticking along. I am sure that they will outlive me.
If you're going to spend the money on a new press I'd suggest a Forster CoAx.
I have two :wink: I use my RCBS for seating & my Forester Coaxial for resizing :mrgreen:!
I believe the Forester is th e best I have ever used!!

SSSSSHHHHH, pot is illegal. :)

OK, nefariousness aside, call Lee. They should make this right but there may be some life expectancy on a press, who knows? Like I said before, get a CoAx if you're going to drop the coin for a new press.

That is just my unsolicited and un-reimbursed opinion with no connection to Forster except for being a satisfied gun nut. :) If you desire to load on a turret, or think you will in the future, the Dillon BL 550 isn't a bad option for you either but it won't beat a CoAx. The new RCBS Summit is another option but it won't beat a CoAx either and I don't like the handle to the side like traditional presses. The old Rockchucker has worked for years, but it won't beat a CoAx. One good option, if staying single stage, and desiring a more traditional press, is a Redding. They seem to be more similar to a Rockchucker of old with some refinements built in.

When you start using the CoAx you will understand what I'm talking about. It's like riding a Hog, if I have to explain you just wouldn't understand.

Know the feeling of a broken Lee press in a similar place... still, Lee replaced the part FOC some years ago, but had the good fortune to have my Rockchucker available too. Had both presses now for over thirty years, but the RC has never failed.
The Lee is now somewhat 'wobbly' so I don't use it for anything other than de-capping & crimping.

All the best with your repair/replacement. Cheers, ET