Buck down on video


In my neighborhood, we wold call that a trophy buck! I would really like to what you are managing for. Great video!
There have been some big deer shot..
Last year a managent buck was 5.5 or older and under 135

A 5.5 or older 140-150 is a damned nice buck
There have been some 160s but a guy shot a 177 last year.

The morningI shot this one my brother was hunting a 1/4 mild away and shot another nice one.

http://tacticalgunreview.com/blog/2012/ ... ield-test/

This weekend we go after pigs with thermal and night vision!
"This weekend we go after pigs with thermal and night vision!"

For some reason, I got a huge grin on my face after reading that!

Well, I ended up sneaking up on some pigs at night and drilling a small one with my 45 at about 20 yards.
Put the whole thing on the smoker, yummy.

255g hardcast out of a 1911 is good anti pig medicine.