Building a Pair of 280 AI!


Feb 14, 2007
My bro has been wanting to build a cutom 308 for some time now, and I have been trying to convince him that there are better chamberings out there. I finally hit a nerve with him! He has been shooting 130 TTSX at 3200 in his 308 for a while now. I have also been in the search for a good deer rifle, and my 270 WSM is not panning out like I want. So I called up my bro today and told him that he didn't want a 308, what he really wanted was a 280 AI shooting 140 AB in the 3150-3200 range with a way better BC than his 130 TTSX! I also told him that we were going to build them as a pair on some Savage actions and do it our on our own! He was pretty pumped about the idea, as am I. He is thinking about a 24" barrel while I'm thinking about a 26" barrel.

My question for you 280 AI guys is what are your thoughts on barrel length to take advantage of the bigger AI case. Both guns will be in the 8-9 lb range when finished and wearing a scope, and sling. We are looking at going with the Shilen barrel select match barrel that is prechambered, that way the only thing we have to do is screw it to the action and headspace it.

Also I would be interested in some of your pet loads if your willing to share, and what kind of speeds I can expect in the real world (not just the Nosler book and Quick Load). Looking mostly at the 140 and 160 AB.

I'm mostly using mine for open country deer, speed goats, and an elk back up, while my bro will be using his as his single rifle for everything. We have not decided on stocks yet. I'm thinking I would like to get an unfinished laminate and finish it myself, or get a good light weight fiberglass something. His will be topped with a VXIII 3.5-10x50 and mine with a 4.5-14X40 LR VXIII.

Just had to share with somebody! I'm pretty excited about the idea and can't wait to get started!

Excellent choice, the 280 AI rocks!
I have a M700 blue printed action, Heart 24" Fluted #5 chambered in 280 AI, Tubb recoil lug, pillar bedded into a LSS stock.

Accuracy is excellent, all loads use a Federal GM215M primer.
120 gr BT at approx 3300 fps

140 gr AB at 3240 fps

160 gr AB at 3019 fps


A 24" barrel will give you the velocity you are looking for.
The 160 gr AB has a BC of .531, making it an excellent choice for long range hunting. It will open up well on deer size game but also give you deep penetration on elk. Here is a small WT buck I shot with a 160 gr AB.

Here are a couple of 160 gr AB bullets recovered from water jugs at 100 yds.

Thanks JD I was hoping you would chime in!

I'm leaning on building this on a savage action so I can do it myself. But I don't know if I should go down to the local pawn shop and buy the 110 in 30-06 for $250, or go buy a new stevens for $300, or go buy one of the stainless savage actions for $450. The new action would require no work, the other two options would require the action duracoated along with the barrel (gunmetal grey), and a new trigger. All things that can be put off and done later as the budget allows.

I'm worried about the older used action not being precise enough, or are the older savage actions just as good as their newer ones?
jmad -
Are the actions you have right now long or short? You will need a long action for a 280AI. You will also need to change the boltface going from the WSM to the 280. I'm sure you have thought of this already.

Don't take any short cuts, get exactly what you want and you will be happy for a long time. :wink:
I do not have any experience with Savage so I can't comment. Some of the fellas here will jump in for comment so stay tuned.

His 270 WSM is a rem 700, SA. Pretty sure he said he'll be selling that to fund this project, should be able to get an action/stock out of it.

Dont know to much about savages either, but I'm definately interested in what ya got going on!!

Nothing wrong with the 280 AI, pretty much the same as a 7 RM with no belt and 1 more round of firepower!!

Congrats for talking your bro out of that god awful 308. I bet he'll be 10x happier with a 280 AI.
Ya I would be getting a long action for this build.

I pulled out my 270 WSM last night to get her cleaned up, and it kind of broke my heart a bit to think about selling her! It is the most beautiful rifle I have ever owned! I feel I need to give her a bit more of a chance. I have really only tried Mag Pro, and would like to try RL 22, 25. with some 140 AB. If I can't get her to shoot in the next 200 rounds, I'm sending her down the road. Then I'll start my build.

My bro is going for the stainless Savage action to start his build here in the next month or so.
Scotty (Beretz) was working up loads for his 270WSM using RL22 had seemed to really like the velocity and accuracy he got. Maybe you can look back at what he was doing in one of the earlier threads.
Ya I have been doing some looking around at his info. Thanks. I think that I might try RL 25 to start with, my 270 WSM has a 26" barrel and I really think that the slower powder will get me some good results. According to QL they both (RL-22&RL-25) should do pretty well in the speed department so we'll just see how they shoot I guess.

Let me know how those two powders do for you. I have a new .270wsm that I'm starting to play with as well. I have a box of 130gr A-bonds lined up at the present time and plan on starting with N-165, N-560 & RL-17.
Hopefully have a few days coming up to get out and about....

Good luck !
jmad, I would be interested in seeing a picture of your 270WSM and the specs on it. Being an East coast hunter I have an affinity for the .277 caliber: however, if I lived where game was larger than white tailed deer I would find the 280 AI to be an interesting caliber to look into. I will be interested in following your progress with this project. Al in SC.
Well I got a few more test loads loaded up last night for the 270 WSM. 69gr. RL-25 3 at 2.860", 3@ 2.848", and 3@2.830" Ill get them shot this weekend, and get a few pics posted. If the 2.860 load doesn't duplicate the grouping that it did the other day I'll wsitch to RL-22 for the last of the 140 ABs that I have.
JMAD, I tryed RL22 with the 150gr BT's and was very surprised at the speeds I got. I loaded them all to 2.860 and started at 61 and stopped at 66 as I attained what I was looking for. I got under 1" for three fairly quick shots, and 3075 for speed with 66gr's. I see no pressure signs, but I wouldn't push much further. I am over Noslers max, but in line with some other data I found. Accuracy was excellent the whole way. Groups really didn't change much at all the whole way, other than 64gr's which was a bug hole at 2950. It was no slouch at all, but I wanted at least 3K. I have a 24" barrel also in a M70. I think groups will be better once I slow down shooting. I was just looking for good hunting loads, at magnum speeds.

Here is a link to some good data I found

My next powder would be RL25 also. I think that and IMR 7828 would probably shine with the 140-150gr bullets. Magpro worked out well with the 130gr Interbonds, but since I would rather buy Nosler, I am looking for a tougher bullet to load next. Good luck, I really think the 270WSM is a great round and will do some great speeds, very safely and just about trump a 280AI with similar bullet weights. Just my opinion though, I like the 280AI also. Scotty
Thanks for the info guys! I'll be finishing my testing with RL-25 this weekend. I might get some loaded up with RL-22 tonight or friday to shoot as well. I'll keep ya posted.
Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for. Pretty interested in how RL25 works out for you. Like I said, it was my next choice for the 270WSM. You should get some really great speed out of the 26" tube. Scotty