Bullet Seating Lube



I am still pretty new to this reloading thing. Do you use any lube to seat the bullets? I have been rolling the bullets around in Mica before seating them. Is this o.k.? I am open to any suggestions. Thanks.
I do not see why you would have to lube a bullet. I just make sure my cases are deburred/chamfered and have no problems seating the bullets. I only reload for rifle so I cannot speak for pistol.

You don`t want the bullet to move once it is seated and they seat just fine without it. The only lube needed in a case neck is to ease the expander balls travel when resizeing, then it is best to wipe or tumble it out before loading.
Do you feel you need to lube the neck in order to seat? I'm a little surprised. Generally I'll bevel the inside of the case neck and that's enough to get the bullet started. Possibly your brass is a bit thick, but I think the expander ball on the sizer would tell you that. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
Leaving the lube inside the case neck during bullet seating is actually a negative. You want concistant friction between the case neck & bullet for better accuracy. Deburr, clean the lube out (I use a wool bore mop) & seat the bullets.