Bullet seating...


Apr 6, 2006
What difference do I have if I seat my bullet deeper, using the same powder load and components? ...in the same gun! :wink:

Does pressure decrease?

Does velocity decrease?

Does accuracy decrease?

Does trajectory drop?

At the end....is it a big deal for hunting purposes and shots out to 300/350 yds. to seat the bullet down a little more ?
Let's say....with free boring = zero @ 81 millimeters OAL, what happens If I do like 77 ?
I am shooting 120 grs. BT in a single shot with very long free boring - 6,5x57R caliber.

Bluejay 8)
When you seat deeper you decrease the chambers volume likely increasing pressure, and at the same time the free bore you have added may help lower pressure. The little you change it will likely take lab equipment to verify but there might be a couple FPS added to your average velocity. The change may help improve the extreem spread of your loads velocity, or the difference in "jump" to the leade might improve acuracy. I`m pretty sure though you won`t see any change in performance on game or in the field.
Boy, that's a hard question about accuracy. It depends on the gun. I have some rifles that shoot best with the ogive "kissing" the lands. When you back off and give the bullet a little jump, accuracy deteriorates dramatically. On other rifles, just the opposite happens. They like .030-.040" DFL. If I place the bullet any closer, group sizes open up. Go figure. I have come to the conclusion that guns are a little like women. Just when you think you have them figured out, one comes along that throws all the theories out the window. :lol: :lol: