bullet test


Apr 16, 2007
I was goofing around shooting 1 gallon milk jugs filled with water. When practicing with my long range guns I shoot them out to 600 yards .
If I can hit a gallon jug I can fill my freezer with meat.
So I get an idea to bring them close....20 yards, line them up and shoot them. Never done this before.
Left is a 358 Norma Mag loaded with a 250gr Hornady Spirepoint@2825fps. It's my practice round. It held together well, Might be a hunting load after all.
Retained weight is 140 grains.
Right is a 40 cal Speer 180gr Gold dot. It's my daily carry load retained weight 178 grains
Question???? Is water harder on bullets then game?
300 Win Mag and the Hornady 180 gr Spirepoints@3050fps did not survive. It's only my practice load but I thought it would do a little better, Bullet fragmented and I only found little pieces of jacket/core

Good deal. I love these tests! Water can actually wreak havoc on bullets. How close to game is it? I can not say. I can say that if the bullet withstands resistance like water then I am satisfied.

What were impact velocities?
Man, that 250gr Hornady from the 358 looks great. I wouldn't be scared of stuffing it into anything. That is a about as hard of a hit it will ever take being shot into water at 20 yards. Cool test, I love to do that. Although, I think Guy and Jim have us. I think they must have a barn full of them! Scotty
As I said in a lost post, water is very tough on bullets. Though mammals consist of about 70% water, there is a decided difference in the performance of a bullet on flesh and on a jug of water. That Hornady SP would do a smack down on game. I know that the same bullet launched from a 358 (considerably lower velocity than the 358 NM) dropped a bison right smartly.
Niceeeeeee!! Can't beat that expansion and weight retention, I am really impressed especially at close range with that velocity. I would like to see what an A Frame or PT would do on a test like that.
Welcome to the water jug buster club.
Water is a pretty hard test media for bullets.

I think he said he was shooting the 250's at 2850 from the muzzle and put the jugs at 20 yards. Not sure what the speed was, but that has to be darn near muzzle velocity. Scotty
POP":2b7ul4ii said:
What were impact velocities?
Sorry for the late response POP I work nights.
Like Scotty said. I was 20 yards from the jugs and my muzzle velocities are.
3580NM 250gr@2825fps
40Cal 180gr Gold Dot@983fps from my G23
300 win mag 180gr@3050

I'm going out again this weekend and will try some other bullets.