

Apr 8, 2007
Has anyone else have a bullet that you just could not get a good load for and then switch to a differnt bullet and the load is perfect? I have been working on a 120gr PT load for a 257 WBY for some time and have tried about every powder you can think of with no decent grouping. Then I switched to a 100gr Speer BT and shot a load at .4" group at 3527fps. I never got a 120gr PT or Hornaday 117gr interlock under MOA. Do you think the .257 is better suited with a 100gr bullet?
I have loaded for a number of 25cal rifles and the 120gr bullets are normally the ones I prefer. All but two of my 25cals shoot the 120s very well. One of those, 257Roberts uses the 100gr nosBT. The other uses the 115gr combined tech. Every rifle is an individual. You could buy another 257WBY and it might shoot the 120gr bullets into a bughole.Rick.
Been there done that! I tried to work up a load with the 115gr Partitions in my Rem Class 25.06 and it absolutely will not shoot those bullets with any accuracy. I can't even begin to tell you how many different combinations i tried. I juggled powders, primers, brass and played with seating depth until i was blue in the face to no avail. I also went through many boxes of bullets during the whole process until i finally gave in and gave up.

I went to the AccuBond and the experience was totally opposite. It will shoot those under 3/4" all day long and if i do my part it will usually shoot them around 1/2" with my best group measuring 0.325. It will also shoot the Speer 120gr Spitzer consistently under 1" but for some reason it just doesn't digest the partitions very well.
You didn't say how old your rifle is, if it was made before 1972 it may have 1-12" twist rate so any thing longer than a 100 grains won't stabilze reliably. So if you want to shoot any thing bigger rebarrel or buy a newer rifle.