Caan CT bullets be used for barrel break in?


Feb 9, 2007
I'm thinking on bullets and ammo and wondering if the CT bal tips can be used well for barrel break in? Or should a guy used just the copper BT's bullets? I'm wondering for this 25/06 if I could use winchester supreme 115 CT's and break in and use these? They state MV at 3060 and drop at 500 of 37.7" can one make strides by hand loading with Bullet drop or is this about where the 115 gr will fall at 500? Thanks
If you are talking about breaking in the barrel by shooting one shot then cleaning, then shooting one shot then cleaning, etc. I would recommend not using the CT Ballistic Tip loads. The whole idea of this tedious method (which I do on all new barrels) is to smooth out any imperfections in the bore and to sort of season it. It is a very boring chore, but I personally believe that while it may or may not help accuracy, I think that it helps a rifle to be easier to clean in the future.

The CT bullets have a coating on them that is supposed to reduce friction in the barrel. That is not what you want during a break in period. You want lots of bullet contact with the barrel. You can use the CT bullets but I would imagine you will need to extend the break in period somewhat.

In regard to handloading, I highly recommend it, but you proably will not see much difference in the field. Winchester claims 3060 fps with the 115 and my handloads are going about 3150 fps. That is not much of an increase. The problem comes when you actually chronograph those factory loads. They may or may not give the velocity advertised. Some are quite close and some are a lot slower than they claim.

Just my opinion, R F
Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that the reason the drop is -37 at 500 is because they have it sighted dead on at 200 yards. IMO, you should zero at 300 with flatter shooting cartridges. Your drop will be around 26-28 inches. Also, with a little higher MV, you can take another couple inches off. YOu can use those CT bulelts for breaking in, just make sure you scrub it all out when your done.
A 115g NBT with a advertised BC of .453 at a MV of 3100fps and zeroed at 300 yards will drop right at 26 inches at 500 yards.
I am using a burris fullfield II 4.5x14 with bal plex as a scope, I'm going to put a stoney point turret on it so I would like the 200 zero then use my turret at 300,400,500 and 600 yrds with appropriate clicks, I'm sure it won't be dead on with the reticle dots, hence the need for the turret and marking down clicks, I have this on my 22-250 and works really well.

I know moly isn't rec for barrell break in, but this coating isn't moly correct? What do the nosler guys say about using these for break in? yes 1 shot then clean and so on for the first 5-7 shots then 2 shots and then 3 for the first 20 or 30 rounds. I would think with a remington factory barrell that even the CT bullets would do what many want when seasoning the barrell? Maybe I'm off on this who knows? I can't imagine them to do much to them but cut the rifling and maybe a quick cleaning?

I asked winchester without getting a straight answer. Thanks for the help.
I am a big fan of dialing "up" to hold dead on as well, inparticular the Leupold target knobs. I like to do finer yardages though. Not everything stands 100yards. I like to do every 25, especially on something as small as a coyote. Just something to think about. I would just buy a box of cheap rems or wins for barrel break in, if your that worried about it. Its a lubalox coating which is not the same as moly. Just make sure that when you go from a coated bullet whether its moly or lubalox, you must scrub the heck out of it with a brush and some sort of copper solvent. I have broken in barrels the last couple of years, but haven't noticed anything in accuracy change. I do believe it makes cleaning easier though. For example, my 7mm shoots pretty damn good 1-2" groups at 400 yards. I got it used, who knows how the owner took care of it??? When I got it, I scrubbed the heck out of it with a brush and sweets and worked up some loads. Shoots like a house afire. As for cleaning, I only clean when I notice accuracy fading away. I see no point in cleaning every 20-30 rounds if its not neccesary. With my 25-06 and 7mm, its not uncommong for me to go 80-100 rounds without cleaning before accuracy goes.