Call the wambulance!! (whine, sob, cry)


Feb 12, 2012
For the last 4 years my hunting has been by proxy. Helping friends in exchange for deer meat. But this year I went back to the bench with my .270Win and had me some tack driving rounds......3 rounds/100yds, 3/4" group, 2 holes.

Our gun season opens the Saturday before Thanksgiving. On the Sunday before that day(11/13/11) while riding with my wife and a friend, I got kicked, while in the saddle, by my wife's horse.

Just below the knee, 6 breaks and for splits. So, no deer hunting this year........but Thursday I go back to the Dr. and am counting on him telling me I can finally start using my leg again.

Had nice food plots, good hunting stand locations..........AND LOTS OF DEER!
I hope you get good news from the doctor. That is a bad break (or several).
DrMike":3e7oka5v said:
I hope you get good news from the doctor. That is a bad break (or several).

Thanks Doc. Next week start loading workup rounds and the varmints on the farm are gonna catch hell this year.........I was really excited about hunting they are gonna pay the price for my disappointment...........

I truly feel for you !!

As I am old and senile, the closer to hunting season it gets, the more careful I become with my body. I stay from the already mentioned horses, and other mundane things such as motorcycles, boats, ladders, chainsaws. I am no longer invinceable and injuries take a long time to heal. I do not want to miss a season.
Elkman":326xzbeo said:

I truly feel for you !!

As I am old and senile, the closer to hunting season it gets, the more careful I become with my body. I stay from the already mentioned horses, and other mundane things such as motorcycles, boats, ladders, chainsaws. I am no longer invinceable and injuries take a long time to heal. I do not want to miss a season.

Geez Elkman, whyn't you tell me this like 3 months ago???? :oops:
I am no longer invinceable and injuries take a long time to heal.

Bill, I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

Ain't it the truth, though. These bodies are not bullet-proof. Two seasons past, I twisted my right ankle and tore the medial meniscus of the right knee because I stepped on a casing left on the floor at the gun range. The previous shooters failed to police the area. It took almost a full year to fully heal. Though I managed to hunt that fall, it was a painful experience at times, and walking proved difficult on occasion.

I wish you well with your Dr. appointment.

I know all about horses. We had 4 but are now down to 1. Nothing but a money pit....

JD338":18owrgu4 said:

I wish you well with your Dr. appointment.

I know all about horses. We had 4 but are now down to 1. Nothing but a money pit....


Hey JD.........for me a lot of the expense is covered as a perq of my job. I have three.
i woiuld only ask how much per pound you got for the hoss that kicked ya? Oh geez, I forgot, it was your wifes horse. :grin:
dragger201":3pnxvxnn said:
JD338":3pnxvxnn said:

I wish you well with your Dr. appointment.

I know all about horses. We had 4 but are now down to 1. Nothing but a money pit....


Hey JD.........for me a lot of the expense is covered as a perq of my job. I have three.


You are a better man than me. I wasn't smart enough to figure that out.... :mrgreen:

Best of luck Dragger, praying for u buddy that is a nasty injury.

Elkman what the hell good is life without horses, motorcycles, quads, chainsaws, boats............. ?? I noticed you left women and finely aged spirits off the list. :wink:

Good luck with the knee Dragger. I have more than my fair share of calcium deposits, plates and pins thanks to our equine friends and motorcycles, so I know what you are going through.

I can't give any of that stuff up though........ well okay I gave up the motorcycles for ATV's because we live a long ways from pavement............. but I'd rather have had a good excuse for being old, crocked and grouchy than just old and grouchy.
Hey Mooswa..........
It's kinda aggravating in a way. Years and years of pushing the envelope with all manner of mechanical stuff and nothing more then skinned knuckle type stuff.

Then back to the farm 4+ years ago...........broken toes(twice) 3 broken fingers(and not all at once), and then my leg.
Elkman what the hell good is life without horses, motorcycles, quads, chainsaws, boats............. ?? I noticed you left women and finely aged spirits off the list.

I left "strange women" off of the list, I never stop drinking beer. Life is, no good with out the above however niether is hunting so I am veryyyyyyyy careful when getting close to hunting season. After the tree jumped in front of my motorcycle, I traded it for the quad. When I turned the quad on its side getting fire wood I threatened to swear off of them but that didn't work. Can't ride horses have back issues.
Horses or as I call them hay burners, we have a close to a dozen of them and none are mine. When we have to round up or cut out I jump on my Japanese horse called Honda :mrgreen:
Every time I have fallen off one which has been a time or 2 it seems farther to the ground.
I try to stay in shape but the years are sure catching up in a hurry.
These so called golden years are not quite what I thought they would be.
But I am still walking on the right side of the grass so I am not complaining to loud :wink:
