Canadian Moose Hunt


Nov 8, 2006
I helped my daughter's pastor select a rifle when I was visiting in Minnesota in the spring of 2013. Apparently, the help paid off for him. I received this picture of a successful hunt in Manitoba this fall.

I don't remember what rifle I recommended, but it must have worked. I know I recommended that he look long and hard at either AccuBonds or Partitions. He did write me and send me a video link of a moose hunt in my AO by one of his friends. Thought I'd share it with you fellows. Pretty typical of the mountains just north of me during the early fall months. I'm going to have to get a video camera.

Great bull! It must be amazing to pull the trigger on something like that. Looks like the rifle and ammo worked just fine.
That's a great moose! Really bleached antlers, I've never seen any that light before. That's a good one by anyone's standards.

I'm unable to form a coherent sentence while looking at that moose.


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Well Mike I would guess the name or the gun you would have recommended would have started with a "Win" and ended with a "chester" :lol:

Great looking bull in the picture and the one in the clip you posted is really nice too.
gerry":32dre3j0 said:
Well Mike I would guess the name or the gun you would have recommended would have started with a "Win" and ended with a "chester" :lol:

Great looking bull in the picture and the one in the clip you posted is really nice too.

Hey, I've actually recommended other rifles, even Remingtons (in moments of sheer madness). Actually, I don't believe he took my recommendation concerning make of rifle, but he did take my recommendation of cartridge (it was obviously enough). The moose in the clip surely goes down quickly. He spined him but good; very impressive drop.
What is he shooting in that video, a Tikka?

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You have always shown us the way and have done so with class, so I am not surprised that your friend, upon your recommendation harvested a nice Moose.

Knowing you it would not surprise me to find that you had recommended a pre 64 model 70 in the 375 H & H caliber or possibly even the 300 H & H.

Moose populations in some parts of Canada have taken a hit in the last few years but we have been able to maintain 70,000 of them here and Newfoundland has well over 120,000. The hunt prices in Newfoundland are also less than here.

Dr Mike, how are you feeling sir. Will you be 100% by next hunting season. I sure hope so.

Moose populations are doing reasonably well in my AO. I counted eleven cows and calves this past Saturday--and that was from my truck. I'm unable to walk very far at all, so I'm pretty well confined to the cab of my Tundra for the time being. Noah (my grandson) did have opportunity to take a poke at his first deer. Unfortunately for him, it was a clean miss. We'll be back out this coming week to see if we can find him a nice whitetail. I am trying to get my act together for a late season cow elk that opens for me in December. Hey, hope springs eternal. :grin:
Well, too bad for Noah, but a clean miss is vastly better than a poor hit. He'll get another one in due time.

Mike, I sure hope you heal up and are fit enough to wrestle grizzly bears soon.

Regards, Guy
Guy Miner":1ek4hyg1 said:
Well, too bad for Noah, but a clean miss is vastly better than a poor hit. He'll get another one in due time.

True buck fever. He felt really bad, but once we carefully examined the area where the deer was standing, and observing her run away, and then tracking her into the woods for a distance, it was obvious that it was a clean miss. Reconstructing the shot, he went right over her back. Late in the evening that day, we counted over forty-two deer, but it was questionable shooting light. :?
Dr Mike, you will remain in our prayers for a complete recovery and a fast one. Glad your still able to drive.

Noah will get his, all in due time. After all he has an excellent teacher. It will happen for him. what is he shooting Dr Mike ?

Guy, how is your retirement going ? My husband's grandfather retired a few years ago and his dream was to live in the mountains and live off the land. And we were able to find a place for him to live out his dream. He only stays there during the summer and fall months and then heads back to San diego for the winter.

Whatever your dream is Guy, i hope you are able to live it sir
YH = I am doing well. Working when I want, as much as I want, with my little business. Security consulting, personal safety training and some firearms training as well.

Doing a LOT of hiking, bicycling, some hunting and some fishing. I've spent more nights in my sleeping bag in the past six months than in the three or four years prior... The house looks better, I've actually got the landscaping under control for the first time in years.

Lost ten pounds. Bald spot filled back in. And my blood pressure is down. :)

I think my wife and I are doing better than we have in some time as well.

"Retirement" is good.
